Chapter 7

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P.s. Following this chapter all other chapters will be a bit slower. College will have started and to me college is WAY more important. Though I will try and update as much as possible! Please stick around though because that will mean a lot!

Chapter 7

After class Cody and I walked together to my next classroom. We talked about family as well as his job and it was really fun. It was almost like finding a friend who could understand what you are going through and help you along the way. Actually, that is what Cody was doing even though he was hired by my father to protect me I was still glad that he was around.

"So what class do you have now?" Cody asked as we walked through the hallway. At this point we had given up on all the glares we were getting, and instead just enjoyed each others company.

"I have to go to English actually." I replied in fake enthusiasm. English wasn't my greatest point while in school.

At that Cody laughed before asking, "You don't like English I gather?"

"It's not that." In defense looking in his direction. I really didn't know why I was defending the subject, but it seemed right to. "It's more like my teacher just is horrible."

At that Cody nodded. I was sure he was trying to come up with something to say because a few minutes later he was talking again. "How could your teacher be horrible?"

"You will just have to wait and find out." I answered before adding with a laugh, "but trust me by the end of class you will want to rip her head off."

He laughed too before answering, "I would take your word for it, but I think I will just find out on my own first." After that we just walked in silence again for a little bit longer before finally making it to my English class which was downstairs and all the way in the far left corner of the school. It was almost impossible to see sometimes.

"Everyone sit down." Came the loud voice of my teacher Ms. Kathie Standford just as Cody and I walked into the room. She looked over in our direction first noticing Cody giving him a nice welcoming smile before her eyes finally landed on me. That is when her whole demeanor changed. "Hello Kathie. Looks like you actually made it to class on time. Again." She said her voice dripping with hatred. It was almost as if she expected me to be dead, which didn't exactly surprise me because I already knew she hated me.

"Yes Kathie," I started referring her by her first name rather than by her last name. "I have made it to class. Nothing a few hits couldn't keep me from." I then added letting the hatred for her drip off of every word.

At that she smiled though it wasn't exactly a smile it was more like a smirk as if there was something sinister about her. Almost like she was holding something hidden away, or that she was just evil. "Go take your seat." She finally spoke before turning sweetly to Cody and speaking to me, "What is your name may I ask?"

I moved to my seat in the back of the classroom as Cody answered her, "My name is Cody ma'am." He said looking in my direction with a bit of understanding. He had noticed how her whole demeanor had changed from the two of us.

At that she smiled before speaking, "For what do I have the pleasure of you being in my class today, Cody?" She then asked still with that happy cheerful voice.

"Actually I am here with Kathie, ma'am." He said looking in my direction with a smile. I smiled back at him before noticing Ms. Standford's face contort in rage at my own name. Actually it was her name too, but she understood what he had meant when he had smiled at me, and she wasn't to pleased with the answer either.

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