Strongest Of Them All

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His back hurts but he can't seem to care. His leg throbs in pain but he can't seem to care. He's tired from the lack of sleep but he can't seem to care. The grumbling sound coming from his stomach just reminds him that he hasn't eaten in a while but he has to keep going.

There's so much work to do.

It's been a week since the battle with Drago and his Bewilderbeast. They've come pretty far with rebuilding the houses but, there's still so much to do.

She finds him in the forge, sheets of papers laying all around him because of his planning. She has a plate of food she got from the Great Hall in her hand as she knockedwith the other.

Hiccup jumps and looks at the person who knocked.


His face brightens slightly when he sees her but, seconds later, her back to work. Astrid sighed and walked up to where he was sitting. Taking the food on her other hand, she placed her hand on top of his inventions and made him stop.

"What are you- Astrid, stop," He said, his voice sounding kind of mad. Astrid was taken aback. He has never used that tone on her.

"I just...I got you some food because you need energy. And you need to rest," She said slowly, a little hesitant. "Look, Astrid, I'm glad you're here and all but I need to do my work. But, if you're gonna try and make me eat and to make me sleep, I'm sorry but I can't. There's so much work to do and it's not gonna get done by itself. So, you may just leave and make me do this," Hiccup said, his voice harsh.

Astrid looked at him with wide eyes before she felt that sting in her eyes. She didn't want to cry but she couldn't help it. A tear rolled down her cheek and it landed on the on the floor.

Hiccup heard it and looked down at the small wet patch before his head snapped up. There she stood, the love of his life, crying because he said something.

Astrid sucked in her breath sharply. "You know what? I was just trying to help you and to be a good girlfriend but, you obviously don't need my help! I guess you don't need me anymore so, you get your wish. I'll see you," Astrid said, crying and placing the plate of food on the desk before running out.


He was interrupted by her whistling for Stormfly and he shot up. He couldn't let her go. When he ran outside, he looked around but everything was clear. Right now, he hated Stormfly for being the second fastest dragon.

Calling Toothless, the dragon appeared my his side and grumbled, as if asking how everything was going and what was wrong. "We need to go after her. I screwed up and I might loose her if we don't," He said and jumped on his back.

Shooting into the sky, they stopped and looked around, looking for what way they could've gone. Toothless sniffled, turned south and began to fly that way. "She went this way?"

The Night Fury grumbled and set his eyes on the skies around them, looking around.

"I wonder if she...of course. Itchy Armpit," Hiccup said. The two flew that way rather fast. Maybe a little faster then when they first discovered the island.


After what felt like an eternity, the two finally reached the small seastack island. Hushing Toothless, they landed as quietly as possible. Stormfly turned her head, looking at her best from from behind Astrid. Hiccup raised a finger to his mouth and hushed her. The Nasser laid back down as if nothing had happened, eager for what was about to happen.

Hiccup walked through the small forest on the island until he was close enough to her. Talking up behind her, he kneeled on the floor and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing a sloppy kiss on her jaw.

Hiccstrid One-Shot Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now