Chapter 8

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Well, apparently, sleeping twenty hours a day isn't good. At all.

"You should really go see a doctor or something," Sari told me after I finally woke up at seven PM.

"Well, it's not like I have the money to pay for a checkup or anything," I shrugged.

"False!" Sari grinned. "I still have my father's credit card!"

So, Prowl and Bumblebee took me to the local doctor's office. It was... Less than pleasant.

I'll spare you the details of Dr. Alley making me do weird crap, but I almost had a heart attack when I got the news.

I had stage three pancreatic cancer. WTF???

When I say stage three pancreatic cancer, it means that the cancer cells have invaded nearby blood vessels. Yeah, thats really bad!

My options were chemotherapy, radiation therapy and targeted therapy. I would take pills if I chose chemo, and that sounded best, but guess what? My hair will all fall out; I'll have to wear a wig. Fun.

Chemo is expensive! Like, thousands of dollars expensive! Good thing Sari's dad is rich.

"Yay, childhood cancer," I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "How the Hell did I get cancer?"

"Well, for pancreatic cancer, it is usually passed down from generations," Dr. Alley told me. "Did any of your family members have it?"

"My great grandfather had it,and my grandma," I shrugged. "My parents didn't have it."

We had Captain Fanzone pose as my guardian, because I'm still legally a minor in a different dimension where my family isn't currently here. He signed papers for me an such; good thing he likes me!

"Well, just take these pills once a month here, and that will be your treatment," Dr. Alley handed me pills from a gloved hand. I studied cancers in seventh grade, so I kinda knew the standard procedure. Now, when we got back to base? All Hell broke loose.

"Do they not have a cure?" Ratchet roared. Yeah, he was kinda mad because I'll probably die young.

"Ratchet, you have to realize," I tried to calm him down. "Sometimes, there are things you just can't help. I can't help that it's in my genes that I got this... Disease. It isn't anyone's fault. What cancer is is one cell malfunctioned for no reason, producing more cells rapidly. Those cells that that one cell produced do the same thing rapidly, till I have an access of cells somewhere in my body."

"I know what cancer is!" he exclaimed. "Why does it have to be a younger being that has it?"

"Sadly, childhood cancer is not uncommon," I shook my head. "Though I'm barely a 'child', per say. I'm almost legally an adult."

Prowl was extremely silent through my 'talk' with Ratchet. Whilst Ratch knew some things about humans through research, he didn't know nearly as much about cancer. He just knew the basics, and he was not at all happy to hear I had it, you could probably tell.

"Well, the cancer explains my sleeping," I smiled lightly. "This kind of cancer promotes sleepiness, and a feeling of fullness, and I definitely feel that way."

"Why are you not sad, or angry?" Optimus asked me.

"Well, I am, it's just... I know there's nothing I can do to change what's happening to me, so why bother?" I shrugged. "I know for sure that I'll live a few more years, so I'll just have to make the best of them, do stuff that I've always wanted to do."

We... Didn't tell Sari. She would probably do something weird, so we all decided not to tell her just yet. Bumblebee and Bulkhead were the most awkward people EVER when we told them, like they had no idea how to act. I expected no less of them, and i was fine with it. The two mechs that were the most concerned were Prowl and Ratchet. I expected Prowl to spazz-out, but who am I kidding? It's PROWL we're talking about, he doesn't spazz-out! Ratchet, on the other hand...

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now