Chapter 7

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Waking up at three in the afternoon is now a thing for me; I do it almost every day! Fall asleep around five in the morning, wake up at three, watch YouTube videos, talk to people, eat, nap, more YouTube, sleep, repeat. Kinda boring, I know, but there's NOTHING to do here!

So, after watching YouTube till five at night, I went into the main room to socialize.

"Sooo, wass happenin?" I asked the 'Bots.

"You sleep too much," Sari commented.

"Well, I get tired easily," I shrugged. "I've always been that way."

"You only eat one meal a day, that's not good for you," Prowl told me.

"Well, I'm not exactly awake long enough to eat more than one meal," I explained. "I should probably go to sleep earlier and get up at a normal time..."

"Ya think?" Sari asked.

"Yes, but not often," I laughed. Do you get what I just did? I made fun of myself! Yeah, I really DON'T think...

"What?" Bumblebee looked confused.

"Okay, Sari said 'You think?' and I replied 'Yes, but not often'," I explained to the confused mech. "Gosh, Bee, pay attention!"

"He never will," Prowl smiled, shaking his head.

"Nope," I agreed. "Never! Okay, I need to get myself tired so I can go to bed by ten. Any ideas?"

"Well, you could train with me," Prowl offered.

"Finally!" I exclaimed. "And maybe I could work on my levitating skill!" I almost forgot about that, oops!

"Whoa, you can levitate things?" Sari awed.

"Yeah, remember the day after you guys met me?" I explained. "When I made sure Optimus didn't die? Yeah, I levitated him kinda. I think I can only do it if I meditate or something."

"We'll work on that," Prowl nodded.

We ended up practicing different moves. I was trained in Kung-Fu and Tai Kwon Do, so I taught him some of the moves. I didn't even break a sweat! Luckily, Autobots don't exactly breathe( Bumblebee proved that in the first episode), so Prowl was having no problem.

"Have you ever heard of our version of Processor Over Matter?" I asked Prowl.

"Mind Over Matter?" he asked. "Yes, I've heard of it."

"I never had professional training," I told him," but I don't think I'll need it for levitation." I got in a meditation position before humming almost silently. I sat there for who knows how long before I opened my eyes. Prowl was floating ten feet in the air! I immediately focused solely on him to make sure he didn't fall, and slowly, he floated towards me. When he was right in front of me, I slowly let him drift to the floor. He smiled at me after he hit the floor softly.

"Nice job," he complimented me. I blushed.


He bent down so that his face was level with mine, and his face got closer to mine slowly. OMG!!! My mind was completely blank as he pressed his metal lips onto mine softly.

You know that feeling, when you are just starting a huge test or something, when your mind's completely blank of everything whatsoever? Yeah... That's what happened when Prowl kissed me.

Yes, you heard correctly! THE NINJA-BOT FREAKING KISSED ME! I only found out days ago that he actually liked me, and now he kisses me? Yep, I'm officially insane.

Now, just to clear things up, yes, the Autobots have metallic lips, but they aren't as hard as you think. The kind of metal on their lips are waaaay softer than steel or iron, more like rubber than actual metal. I must say, it was a rather pleasing first kiss. No, there was no tongue or anything, just a short, sweet kiss.

Ratchet, being the awesome medical examiner that he is, could totally tell something happened as soon as we got back into the main room. He looked at me... Then he smiled a little, like he just knew. Gosh, Ratch, creepy much? Haha, just kidding, Ratchet's awesome... In his own way.

Sari had no clue whatsoever that something happened, she didn't connect the 'dots', per say. She completely ignored my pink face and large, kinda creepy, smile towards Prowl.

Prowl looked rather pleased of himself, after all, we had a pretty good work-out before the whole 'kiss' scene. He learned some of my karate moves and whatnot, whilst I learned some Cyber-Ninja moves. Though he was probably the most pleased about kissing me. Guys, no matter what species, are just like that, whether it be men or mechs.

Now, if I ruled out Prowl as my bestie, Jazz would be next in line. I mean, come on! Who doesn't like Jazz? He's just a bundle full of awesome!

Now, Sentinal Prime? He can kiss my ass. I don't like that dude, not one bit.

Ultra Magnus is a little too formal and strict. If he was a little less that, we would probably get along just fine.

Bumblebee is short, just like me, so he's cool! He's like the little brother I never wanted.

Bulkhead is the gentle giant, and I love him for it. His painting skills are just fine, and I'll have a long convo with anyone who chooses to tell him different.

Now, while I'm ranting about all the Autobots, I still need to talk about Optimus.

Hmm, how to describe him?

Now, while he is obviously mature, he still acts slightly naive. I mean, letting Sentinal and Elita go on that organic planet? I would've just left their sorry asses there! Too bad he died in the first episode. I cried the first time I watched it, only because I loved him already and didn't want him to die. The first episode I ever watched was 'Along Came a Spider', and it was at three in the morning. Needless to say, I was scared! I was eight years old or something, alone and in the dark, watching a creepy spider-lady kill an eight year old kid. Yeah, I'm gonna be scared!

Ratchet, as I said before, is awesome, but he's like that grumpy old great-uncle you have that's hard on the outside, but is a big softy on the inside. He's literally seen it all, and his memories are less than pleasant. When I'm in this dimension, I can't see what he sees through his memories like I did when I watched the show, but his facial expressions say it all. He needs to recharge more, or something!

Well, I don't know HOW I'm suppose to sleep now! I worked out, my heart is pounding and I got my first kiss. Well, I might as well try!

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum