Chapter 6

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"Say what?" I tilted my head at Jazz's comment. "Ain't no way!"

"You're a smart girl, I thought if I could see it, you could!" Jazz laughed.

"HEY, this ain't no laughin' matter!" I pointed a finger at him. "When and how did you find out?"

"I found out when we arrived, when Prowl was telling me about you," Jazz shrugged. "You could tell by his face."

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath. "I know, it's good that we both like each other, but how would that work? An organic dating a Cybertronian. Doesn't that sound the least bit weird to you? Then again," I tapped on my chin. "In other stories, it has worked out, so I guess it might be able to work."

"Wait, other stories?" Jazz tilted his head.

"Yeah, in my dimension, you are all in a TV show and people write stories about you guys," I explained. "I have a few saved on my iPod that were pretty good. They were mostly about Bumblebee and Sari as a couple, you and Prowl as a couple or everyone and a human as couples."

"Me and... Prowl?" Jazz widened his optics.

"People in my dimension are so very.... Interesting, to put it mildly," I shook my head. "You don't even wanna KNOW what some stories are about!"

"Yah, I get it," Jazz nodded. "Bad stuff. So, whatcha goin' to do about Prowl?"

"I don't know, I'll figure it out somehow," I shrugged. "Never been in a relationship, not even with a fellow organic, let alone an alien robot that shares the same feelings. What makes it kinda weird is that I know what he will do, what he has done, his past, and understand it more than anyone here. I don't know much about you, Professor Sumdac or Sentinal Prime's past, but I kinda know everyone else's."

"So you know about my past?" Sari asked me quickly.

"Duh!" I grinned. "I am the girl who knows everything! Is it bad that I can read Cybertronian?" I asked randomly.

"I can't even read that!" Sari exclaimed.

"I studied it back at home," I nodded. "Very interesting, different from Chinese or Japanese."

"You can speak those too?"

"I can speak more than that!" I told her. "About fifteen languages total. Back at home, we have 'Rosetta Stone', and it helps people learn stuff. Chinese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, German, French, Vietnamese, Italian, Tamil, Telugu and Cybertronian."

"Wow," Sari whispered.

"It's funny, I'm not British, but sometimes I speak in a British accent because I have a lot of friends that are British and it rubs off," I chuckled. "Not very good, I'm always afraid of offending someone by speaking in a fake accent!"

"Say something!" Sari told me.

"God, you are the strangest girl I've ever met!" I smiled, speaking in my British accent.

"Wow, that was good!"

"British?" Jazz tilted his head.

"Yeah, it's a different place here on Earth," I explained. "You know how people talk differently that are from different places on Cybertron? It's the same way here."

"Ah," he nodded. "I get it."

"Okay, I'm officially tired," I pushed Sari and Jazz's foot out of my room. "Y'all need to get out! I'm gonna take a very long nap till probably eleven tonight, so only come in if my life depends on it!"

"Food," I groaned. "Must... Eat... Food..."

"So, I'm guessing you're hungry?" Sari laughed.

"No, not at all," I remarked sarcastically. "YES!"

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now