The Decision & The Confession

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*on shift
Kelly's POV
I couldn't really sleep last night because I was thinking about how I was going to tell Rose about my feelings for her and all that. About 5 min after I closed my eyes the alarm went off indicating It was time to go to work. So I got up and got ready. I didn't know how Rose was going to act or say when I tell her so I guess I'll have to wait and see. I pull up to the Firehouse and go into the locker room waiting for Rose. About 10 min later she came in. "Hey" she said and walked past me. I followed her and waited for her to put everything up in her locker. When she shut it she said "So what did you need to talk to me about?" "I have a confession I want to tell you." I said "ok" she replied "The day I jumped on top of you to protect you from the fire and looked into your eyes I just couldn't stop the feeling of falling in love with you. I know your dating Joe and all that but damn I really love you. You are a really smart and beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to have you Rose. And I know we dated before and all that but I would do anything to be with you. You and Joe are a really good couple but I think we could make a better couple. Maybe take a break with Joe and me and you could be on the low with our relationship" I finished. She was just standing there shocked.

Rose POV

After Severide finished I was in shock. I was lost for words. I finally got some words out after a minute "Listen severide I'm not going to lie your a sweet guy but After all that you said...I don't know what to say. I would never take a break with Joe just to be with another man. And for you to say that I should do that is very low key. I love you too but as a friend. Severide you play women like a game, and I'm not going to be one of those women. I'm sorry." I finished I just couldn't believe what he said It honestly ruined the feeling I had. I was for sure not going to tell Joe about what he said. I wanted to be with Joe not Severide. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. After I thought about everything I figured I love severide as a friend not as a boyfriend. As I was walking into the kitchen area Joe stopped me "Hey Rose, can I talk to you for a sec" he asked with sadness in his voice "Yeah of course, what's wrong?" I said "I don't want to tell you right now but after shift can we go to a restaurant and talk?" He asked " Yeah that's fine" I said For the rest of shift I was worried what he was going to tell me.

*skip to the end because I can't think of any good calls they can go on.


Me and Rose was sitting at a table when she asked "so is everything ok? What's wrong?" I grabbed her hands and I said "Listen Rose since you came back in my life I've been super happy but lately I've been feeling like our relationship has been falling apart. And.....I'm just going to stop talking and cut to the point.....I think we should take a little break away from each other, I don't want this relationship to end I think a little time away would help Me and you get our thoughts together and then if we don't think it's going to work out then we will move on and just be friends. I will be using the vacation time i have saved up and i will be going to Florida to see my brother for a few weeks. I'm really sorry but I think this is the best decision before we hit rock bottom." I finished and I could tell in her eyes that her heart was breaking. The only reason I'm doing this is because I just feel we don't have a strong connection and we don't have good communication with each other lately.

Rose POV

Now that i think of it he was right. "Yeah, no, your right. I totally understand" Was all I said. As I was getting up he stood up, "I hope I didn't just ruin everything for us." Joe said "No, no you didn't like I said I understand. I hope you have fun in Florida" I said with a smile to fight back tears. He leaned in to give me a kiss I turned my head to the side and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later" i said and then left. As I got in the car I put me head on the steering wheel and just cried. I couldn't believe it I guess karma came to bite me for liking another man, I deserve it anyway.

2 chapters in one day, I hope you enjoyed. I know it probably came to a shock at the end but you guys probably would of guessed that she was going to pick Joe and not Severide. I wanna know your thoughts about the end did Joe make the right choice or the wrong?


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