Part 2 The Choices We Make In Life.

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Rose POV

All I could think was the last thing I heard was some Isabella shouting "I'm pregnant!" , that was the only replying in my head. Everybody was congratulating them but I stood behind not wanting to say anything , but I also know that was being selfish on my part and not say anything to them , so like usual I put a fake smile on my face to hide the pain of everything and congratulating them. Deep down I'm hurt because I made the stupid choices moving fire departments, and leaving Joe, cuz right now I should be saying I'm pregnant , not her , I should be the one with Joe, not her.


I'm so excited I'm going to be a father. That's been a dream of mine since I could think of. Everybody was congratulating us , but when Rose came up she looks sad by her eyes , but she had a smile on her face. "Congratulation guys, hope everything goes good. Good luck." She said to me and Isabella. " Thank you." We both said , she smiled one last time before the alarms went off for ambulance 61 to respond to a heart attack victim.

Rose POV

Me and Silvia arrived to the seen, not knowing what to expect. We found the victim and work on him then take him to the hospital. We got back and I went to the locker room and started texting my ex-boyfriends gang and ask them if they had anything that would get me high enough to forget everything. I told him I'd be to their place after shift was over in a few. It's going to be a good night.

*After shift

I say goodbye to everybody then head off to my destination. I arrive and pay for the drugs. I stay and talk while I shoot up. After a few hours I'm higher than a kite. I got a text from several people:

Kelly: Hey, where are you?

Sylvia: Want to come to Molly's?

Capp: Are you ok? We can't find you.

I turn my phone off completely and I thought of this quote my mom told me before she was killed , was about the choices we make in life:

" You are free to make whatever choices you want , but you are not free from the consequences of the choices."
-Unknown Author

This was my choice.


Thank you so much for the votes and reading !

I don't know if I'm doing bad on my chapters or good and the only way I know is by you guys telling me in a nice way of course of what you think about the chapters ........


Till Death Do Us Part?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora