Chapter 28

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       I woke up to America holding his shoulder. "What's the matter?" I asked, crawling out of bed and going over to him. "I don't know, I went keep up to this weird cut." He said, taking his hand away from his shoulder. A "2" was carved into it. I gasped in horror. "Maybe it was just you sleep walking and you hit your arm against something." I lied. "Yah, that's probably it." He said, pulling his jacket over it. "Anyways! Wanna get some breakfast?" He asked, smiling. I nodded, "I smell something..." I said, sniffing the air. We both grinned, "Matthew's making pancakes!" We shouted at the same time. We raced to the door and I shoved past him, running down the hall as he chased after me. "Canada!" I shouted, running up to him and giving him a giant hug. His face went dark red, "Maple...." He said quietly. A minute later Prussia and Russia both came downstairs sleepily, Prussia stretched and Russia rubbed his eyes. "Good morning!" I laughed, seeing Prussia collapse on the floor and sprawl out, "sleep...." He groaned. Russia ran into the door. "Oops, I didn't see that there." He said, his eyes wide after his collision. I about died with laughter at the two of them. Canada smiled and went back to making pancakes. America grinned at Canada, "Dude, your apron is hilarious!" He laughed. Canada blushed again, I saw his apron said, "Kiss the Canadian" and colluding help but go dawwww! on the inside. I giggled and kissed his cheek, making him blush more than ever. "I kissed the Canadian!" I laughed. Canada looked down before quickly kissing my cheek back, making me blush in surprise. "And I kissed the Kay~" Canada said in his soft voice.

And I can't believe

How I've been wasting my time

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