Chapter 18

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     After France and I talked a bit I left the room, going back downstairs. Prussia, and America were sitting in the living room. France came down behind me. "It looks awful pretty outside." He hinted to me. I got the idea and went over to the window, gazing out at the snow. America was distracted by France talking to him about something. "Wanna go outside?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Prussia. He nodded and stood up. We went outside and I stuck my tongue out and caught a snowflake. He laughed slightly and looked up at the sky. I saw the pond nearby had frozen over and ran over to it, tapping my foot on it to make sure it was thick enough to stand on. I carefully walked out onto it. Prussia ran up and slid across it, stopping himself in front of me. "How did you do that!" I asked, amazed. He shrugged and spun around. I carefully walked around on the I ice, trying not to slip. Prussia slid over to me and took my hand, pulling me along. I blushed lightly and held onto his hand tightly. He pulled me to him, I squealed as I almost fell, grabbing onto the front of his shirt with my other hand. He laughed and helped me regain my balance. "How is this so easy for you!" I said, almost slipping again. "I don't know, it's probably because i'm awesome." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

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