Chapter 9

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"No." Prussia and I both said quickly. Latvia set our drinks down on the table and nodded slowly, hurrying away. I looked back up at Prussia. He sat there looking down at me for a moment before crawling off and going back over to his chair. I took a mug off the table and took a sip of the hot chocolate, the taste of delicious chocolate and whipped cream filled my mouth and sent warmth running through me. Prussia took the other mug and took a drink. Latvia rushed back in, looking panicked. "Mr. Russia snapped again! Hide me!" He pleaded, running behind me. Not a minute later Russia ran in, a metal pipe in hand. I was shoved forward smack into Russia's chest, greeted by warm arms wrapping around me. "Hello sunflower~" I heard his voice. "Hello Ivan." I responded. Latvia cowered on the other side of the room. "May you move please?" He asked. I felt bad for sweet little Latvia so I decided to help him out. "Uh- how about a hug instead?" I said, he liked hugs, especially from me.... for some reason. I looked up at him and smiled innocently, and in the cutest way I could. He smiled back. "Da." He replied, his arms tightening around me and my feet being lifted off the ground. I hugged him back and he set me down, satisfied. He gave up on Latvia and let go of me, going back out of the room. Latvia grinned happily, "Thank you so much Ms. South Carolina!" I smiled back, "No prob." Prussia stared at the door Russia had gone out from. He had an interesting look in his eyes.... Jealousy?

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