Chapter 37

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       "Matthew calm down." I said as calmly as I could to Canada, who was freaking out and fighting against the dark Canada who was holding his wrists together and pushing him down the hall beside me. We were both shoved into a room, the guest room, and the door was slammed behind us. it clicked and I knew it was locked. "Matthew- It's alright, just calm down." I said, holding Canada's shoulders. "They said they're going to kill the others." He replied, rushed and panicked. "Oh my god- We have to get out of here." I said, going into panic mode myself. A figure advanced across the room. I saw silver hair and immediately cried out, "Gilbert!" I raced over to him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled, "I like the greeting I get from a mortal." I slowly let go and backed away, seeing it was indeed A Prussia but not THE Prussia. It was dark Prussia. He grabbed my wrist and immediately drug me over to the guest bed, shoving me back onto it and straddling my hips. "I'm still here!" Canada called out from the other side of the room. Dark Prussia looked up from me to him, "If you don't like it, go into the bathroom and wait." He growled. He looked back down at me and started to try and undo the buttons on my shirt. I clawed at his hands and cursed. Canada watched helplessly for a moment before running over and yanking dark Prussia away. "Who are you?" Dark Prussia spat. "I'm Canada." He said quietly. While dark Prussia was distracted I took a vase from beside the bed and smashed it over his head. His smirk disappeared and his eyes rolled back in his head as he collapsed, knocked out cold. "Let's get out of here." I said, pulling Canada over to the door. "How?" He asked. "Like this." A voice answered from the other side of the door. the door burst open and Russia stood on the other side with America and England. (I don't exactly know how to describe how badass they looked at that moment so just picture it :3)

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