..are you serious..

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I just broke my screen. How? I dropped it on cement...now you may be saying well of course it's gonna brake stupid!!! But I have dropped it from higher places before and harder on pavement. So how did it suddenly decide to brake all of a sudden. This just proves that fate truly hates me. My first electronic, an I pod touch 5, broke after I dropped it on sand!!! My second electronic I got years later, a laptop, it got a virus on the 5 day I had it and I could no longer use it. Then theirs this one. I hate my life and I'm currently trying not to stab myself with glass. Oh and how the hell am I gonna read books on Wattpad when I can't see a whole chunk of the screen...more importantly how am I gonna watch youtube!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS WHHHHHHHYYYYYY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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