Good Morning Land Maiden

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I woke, up still sore from my first time taking out my angel wings with Coach. I look in the mirror- Crap I forgot to take my wings out. Oh well, I can just put a jacket on and go to coach, he"ll know what to do.

I put on a blue lace croptop and a white mini skirt, some white platforms, and went to the kitchen. You might be wondering about the make up... so let me tell you, we- well most people call us angels- we angels have this natural beauty thing going on. any way, once I am down to the kitchen, I get some water and coffee beans and with a flick of my wrist, I set fire to my hand and boiled the coffee. Nothing tastes better. Oh and by the way, my name's Eloise. Eloise Christians. I'm a land maiden. I have power over all elements.

I run outside and hop into my red Ferrari. I sped off to the gym, and see coach lifting weights as usual. The only thing that I am uncertain about is why he is shirtless, I mean come on, flash much? I don't love it, but i'm not saying I don't like it. He catches me staring at his six pack and smirks. "Take a picture, It will last longer." He chuckles.

I turn red, but then say "In your dreams."

He turns to me, "Oh it already is."

I roll my eyes. "I have a little problem." I take off my jean jacket with him wiggling his eyebrows. But when he sees my crumpled wings, he says "Crap."

"My reaction exactly." I proclaim. "I was sort of tired last night, and on top of all, when I woke up I forgot the phrase that pulls them back in."

"Alrighty then. I'm going to take out my wings, then show you how to take them back in." He said, and then muttered something underneath his breath. He quickly Shook his leather jacket off and suddenly to enormous black angel wings sprouted from his back. "Listen closely."

He said "When humans are here to see, I shall wish to hide thee. Seal yourself from those who pry, inside of me you shall lie." Then his wings shrunk back into him.   

"Coach," I started.

"First of all, call me Luke, and second of all, What?"

"That looked disgusting." I commented.

"Gee, Thanks. Now you try."

We played around In the room for a while taking our wings out and in.

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