The proxies - Creepypasta

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//Hey just so you know i suck at writing tics and just anything about tourettes, sorry//

~Masky's point of view~

"Hoodie, stop filming me while I'm watching TV!" I shout at Brian, making him run out quickly - maybe a good idea of him since i was currenly seconds away from strangling him. All i wanted to do was to be alone and watch TV, yet Hoodie had been in my face all day because 'videotaping our lives can be lit' or something like that. Whatever, I didn't really care what he did as long as he wasn't in my face, i think as i roll my eyes and continue watching the documentary that was running on Animal Planet. It was about how dogs in countries all around the world were suffering and living in very poor conditions. Quite interesting if i do say so myself.

~Toby's point of view~

I walk down the hall of the mansion with my hands in my pockets as i think of anything to do when i see Brian, or well Hoodie, come running at me.
"Hey Hoods, have you seen Tim around?" I ask him, making him stop right by KILLED think for a bit.
"Well i was in the east living room just a bit ago and he was watching tv there then so i do think he is in there, i could be wrong though" he says with a cheerful sounding voice before running off again.

I make my way to the east living room and take a look inside and just as Brian had said, Tim was there. I smile and walk into the room, thinking that if i could just sneak up on him and yell it'd be all fun and giggles but it seems as of my tourettes had other plans for me as i yell 'Fuck' out loud, snapping my neck to the left at the same time.
I wanted to scream, why did i have to gave this stupid condition?

Probably from slight shock, Tim turns around on the couch, looking at me. Oh god this didn't go according to plan at all.
"Hey Masky whatsup my homeboy?" I say, trying to play it off, the cool way of course.
"Well i was just watching Animal planet, 'homeboy' but i got interrupted by someone." He mutters the last part, sounding a bit annoyed. Suddenly i feel guilty. I didn't want ny best friend to be annoyed because of me yet that is exactly what's happened.

"You always watch Animal Planet, Masky" i say, and i notice him glancing at me quickly. I barely ever called him that as he preferred Tim but i couldn't help but to say it.
"Yeah i enjoy animal programs, they're usually calmer than the shows with people in them" He says, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh yeah i get you" i say, nodding.
"Also, Toby?" Tim says, turning his head to me.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Slendy said to me a that Clockwork will be coming over in a bit, no idea why though" he says and it suddenly feels like someone had thrown a rock in my face.
Natalie, my girlfriend and i hadn't talked in almost a month because last time we saw each other we had a cool.fight over some nonsense i had forgotten now. Oh man why would Slendy invite her. I take a deep breath.
"Oh, cool. Do you know if she's staying for dinner?" I ask, trying to not be bothered.
"Yeah and i think she is actually going to sleep here as well, not sure but you could ask Slendy" he said and i nodded, leaving the room.

~Masky's point of view~

I look after Toby as he left the room, and i turn off thr tv. I really didn't want to meet his annoying girlfriend, she would often do creepy stuff or yell at whoever she talked to, even if said person was just two feet away.
Surprisingly Toby didn't seem happy that she was coming over, weird, he always used to be happy just talking about her. Maybe something had happened? Probably not, and even if it had, I'm not really interested in their problematic relationship, or was I.

I get up and stretch myself, yawning, oh well, better get a cup of coffee if shes coming over anyway I think and walk around when toby runs by me and pushes me down.

"TOBY YOU SON OF A BITCH COME BACK HERE!!!" I yell as I start running after him. I pass by the kitchen where Slendy and Hoodie are drinking tea and chitchat-ing. Before I knew it I had stumbled on air and fell in my butt. "Owuch..." I say, standing up and walking back to the kitchen. - Now ignoring Toby.

//Time skip + Slendy's point of view//

"I'll kill you Toby!" Masky yells holding Toby to the ground. "Calm down Masky!!!" Hoodie says while there's some unhearable gibberish coming from Toby. I sigh and shake my head. -now turned to the camera while the 3 proxies are arguing in the back.- "Yea I can confirm everyone that reads this that I live with 3 idiots. No question on that" sips tea while Toby is being beaten the shit out of.

~Hoodie's point of view~

"Masky stop beating Toby he can't handle that!" I say trying to stop Masky from killing Toby, even if he deserved it. When I say that Masky stops. "Hoodie, are you stupid? You know he can't feel pain at all?" He says, disappointed probably. Right. I forgot. But instead of feeling down I smile and nod "Oh I forgot that lol, welp have fun killing him, I say to Masky while walking out of the room. "HOODIE PLEASE HELP ME! OR I'LL GET KILLEF BY THE MANIAC!" Toby shouts and I laugh, ignoring them as I continue walking to my room.

//Another time skip + Toby's point of view//

"Truth or dare Toby?" Masky asks and I roll my eyes. "Dare." I say without feeling embarrassed. "Okayyyy! Then I dare you to dress up as a pink princess!" He says, grinning as an idiot. I just stare at him. I knew he was an idiot but this. "I accept!" I say and a few seconds later and I walk out of the room to find a dress I got from Sally a few weeks ago. I find it and put it on. Looking in the mirror now, I realize I look like I could be Sally's brother. I shake my head before walking out to Slendy and Masky. "Well.. Here I am. Happy yet?" I ask as Masky gets out his phone, taking a picture of me. I roll my eyes and sit down. "You actually look good for once Toby." Slendy says and I stare at him. "Whatever" I mumble and we continue playing the game until I dare Slendy to put on lipstick. It looked hilarious to be honest. And so the day went on.

~~~To be continued I guess~~~

So this was my first attempt at writing a random story! Hope you liked it!

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