Meet and take you in PT.3

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Shes: 25
You're: 7

You sobbed into your pillow as your parents drunkenly yelled at each other from down stairs. You hated them, they were always so mean to you. After a while the yelling stopped and you fell asleep crying.

At 3A.M you woke to someone stroking your cheek gently. You knew it couldn't be your parents but you still leaned into their touch. It felt really nice and soft. You heard a female chuckle which made you look up and saw a girl with black hair and wearing only black and white things she also had a big hammer. You looked at her confused and she smiled "You dont like your parents do you?" she asked but more like stated. You shook your head no making her smile widen "Would you like for them to go bye bye? And to go live with me?" she asked darkly. You were young but not stupid you knew bye bye she meant she was going to kill them but you still nodded. She smiled and walked out of your room. A few minutes later she walked back and pat your head "I'm Zero, your new mom. Lets go..." she said stopping at the end not knowing my name "(Y/N)" i said quietly "(Y/N) eh? I like it. Lets go." and with that you two went the place called Slender Mansion.

Her: oooooold but looks around 28
You: 10
With a Sinister grin the small 10 year old girl walked back into the woods. Her red eyes soon turning back to (e/c) but the Grin never left. This child was the infamous (Y/N) (L/N) baby daughter of the rich and famous (L/N).
Well at least that what she was before she started... Changing. You see when (Y/N) was born she had very pale skin almost snow white. Then at the age of 5 her teeth started turning much much more sharper like a wolf combine a shark, and her eyes would change colors at random times. soon she became more... well sinister, faster and stronger. The (L/N) soon had enough of been known like the people who gave birth to a monster child and sent the little girl to the woods to die. but instead she grew stronger, smarter and was able to survive. Soon becoming what people believed to be Slenders child. as she soon took up the job of killing stealing and well eating humans flesh. 
Now back to (Y/N) she had just finished a feast when she entered the woods. something was off but she shrugged it off and walked deeper towards her house only to stop when she heard a sound like static but much more bone chilling. The little girl looked around herself ready to fight anything and anyone that stood in her way. As the silent sound of static continued (Y/N) shrugged and walk more only for a black tentacle to wrap around her waist almost crushing her and harshly pulling her deep into the woods until she was face to face with the one and only Slender-woman. Growling at the felling of the threat the little girl instantly started thrashing around trying to get out of the Slender-woman's grip, "Calm down child for you are going to hurt yourself, i wont hurt you." With that the little girl stopped thrashing but kept glaring "What do you want from me then like time i checked i didn't do anything to you." she growled with her little voice. "Well you have been dubbed by the people as the Slenders child, so it only see fit to adopt you and make you live with us." The woman replied. the little girls eyes widen quickly at the words she just heard.Someone wanted her? That was new. after a few minutes of silence the little girl nodded. "Okay ill go." With smirk like grins the two walked to the mansion.

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