Chapter 1

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John's POV

I had just gotten back from class when the door to my dorm opened. I turned around, half expecting to see Hercules or Lafayette, or both. Instead, I saw a boy with long brown hair pulled up into a ponytail and chocolate eyes. He was very pretty, and when I looked at what he had in his hands, I noticed that he was carrying a couple of boxes. Oh, so this is the kid I'm supposed to share a room with. He's a few days late. His eyes quickly scanned the room, and they fell upon the empty half of the dorm. The kid walked over there and placed his things on the floor.

"Hi," I said, and he froze before slowly turning around to face me. "I'm John Laurens, your roommate." The boy nodded before turning back around to unpack his things. I raised an eyebrow. He didn't exactly give a response, now did he? I decided to try again. "So what's your name?"

Once again, the boy looked at me. He raised a hand and made some weird gestures with it. Luckily, I was the one in my group who understood sign language. Alexander Hamilton, he signed before going back to what he was doing. So he must be mute, I thought. "So are you selective?" I asked before I realized what I had said. I mentally punched myself in the face, but he just nodded. So there's a story behind it. Luckily, my mouth knew where to draw the line, and I let the topic drop.

There was about ten minutes of silence as Alexander unpacked and proceeded to pull out a school-funded laptop. He was writing for about another twenty minutes, and I was playing on my phone before I got a text message. I checked to see that it was from the group chat between me and my friends.

4SetsOfCorsets: We're going to the coffee shop across the street. Wanna join?

TurtleObsession: Yeah sure. Can I bring my roommate?

FrenchiestBaguette: Sure, mon ami. We'd like to meet him.

"Hey Alex?" I looked up from my phone to see that he looked up from his laptop, those intelligent eyes staring at me. "Do you want to grab some coffee with me and my friends?" I held my breath as I waited for a reply. He seemed to think about it before giving a shrug and nodding. I broke out in a grin. "Great! Let's go."

He closed his laptop and grabbed his phone, shoving it in his back pocket. Together, we met up with Herc and Laf at the little coffee shop.They were currently sitting with their arms wrapped around each other, like the couples do at the movies and stuff. "Hey guys," I said. "This is Alexander Hamilton." I gestured to the boy next to me.

"I'm Hercules Mulligan," Herc said with a smile.

"Bonjour, mon ami. Je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette."

Alex brought out his phone and started typing something. When he finished, he showed it to Laf, who broke out in a huge grin. "What?" I asked, confused? "What does it say?"

"J'espère que cela ne vous dérange pas que je ne dis pas cela à haute voix, mais êtes-vous et Hercules datant?" Laf looked at Alex. "Oui." Alexander gave a small smile while Herc and I just looked confused. Laf sighed. "He just asked if Herc and I are dating." Hercules and I both made that "oh" expression, and Lafayette chuckled.

The waitress came over to our table and asked what we would like. "I'll take a caramel frappuccino," I said.

"Just a black coffee for me," said Herc.

"I'll have a vanilla latte, merci."

Alex just pointed to something on the menu. The waitress nodded and jotted down our orders. When she left, the conversations started back up.

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