Chapter 3- 1E 668

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Thanks for reading the other chapters, I hope you enjoyed them and found the Lore section useful. I'm sorry if this chapter is a little weird to read, I wasn't sure how to write some of it but I hope it's okay. Also, don't forget to vote, follow and comment about anything you do or don't like. Thanks, and enjoy.

Kagrenac's POV

Szungchek had been gone for almost 13 years, and I still felt bad for what I had said. Although, I don't know why; I had lived for over 200 years with a heart of stone and my feelings kept deep inside, but something about that boy had made me feel something different. I may have presented a certain fondness for him, or perhaps the heart is getting to me. Either way, I wanted my Apprentice back, if not for his services, then to apologise for my actions.

Without him however, I had still advanced a significant amount in terms of research and production. I have just finished safely removing the heart from the mines and transporting it to my lab and the engineers have almost completed the Numidium. I had just a few, small, inner parts to fit however, my engineers are all to large to fit them and without Szungchek, I haven't been able to fit them in 4 years. The Numidium has been sat in my animunculary for 4 years gathering dust and mocking me silently.

Although, the postponed production of the Numidium has given me a lot more free time and time to research ways in which I can harness the power of the heart; I have discovered that in order for me to get the correct amount of power and be able to use it correctly and without danger, I will need at least three tools. I am unsure currently what these tools will be however, I believe that in another decade or two, I will be able to use the heart to my advantage.

I have also decided that it may be time to inform King Dumac of my plans. He still has no knowledge of the Numidium or the heart; I worry about how he will take it.

Szungchek's POV

After working in the mines for a few years, I decided to try and get away from the city and return to my parents home settlement in Blackreach. I could also visit the great Aetherium forge. It's a much larger forge than ours, and it was famous for being the only forge able to create Aetherium.

When wandering through the great underground cavern, I noticed a large Falmer group up on the hill along the road. I stood and stared before looking around to see if any other Dwemer were around, I was alone. I began to turn, before hearing a large scream from behind me and the charging footsteps of around twenty elven savages.

An arrow hit the ground beside me, forged from chaurus chitin and other barbaric materials. I turned back to the horde of slaves; I'd much rather see the arrows coming before being pierced by one.

I started to think about what I could have done with my long, Dwemer life if I hadn't met my untimely end to a vicious group of Falmer before one of the creatures was blasted into a giant glowing mushroom by a sparking ball of electricity. Then, another three were charred to a crisp by a chain of lightning while the two behind tripped over their bodies, landing on their own rough, disgusting blades.

After multiple Falmer had been blasted away by this mysterious attacker, they began to fall back and retreat into the darkness and out of sight. I stood there, amazed and confused as to who or what just saved my life. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder throw me round, one of the Falmer must have stayed and sneaked behind me!

As I span around to face the attacker, I saw a tall, bearded man standing there; he embraced me in his arms and squeezed me tight. Kagrenac.

"I am so sorry for what I said, my son! Please forgive me." He pleaded as he pulled away and tears began to stream down his face. I looked at him in disbelief and hugged him back with acceptance.

"I wish for you to leave the Architect barracks and come and live with me at the Royal Keep. There is a small room beside mine that is currently out of use. I give it to you." Kagrenac told me happily as I smiled up at him.

"Will King Dumac be okay with that?" I asked, not caring what the answer was, the offer was enough.

"That area of the Keep is mine by rights," He responded "King Dumac has no power there and I say that you can stay"

"Thankyou, Kagrenac, but how did you find me?"

"I'm quite offended that you would even think to ask that question. However, I wish to keep the peace and treat you as my own; I have many connections throughout the Dwemer kingdoms and one of those was your grandfather. He was a great man and we were friends for years. We both grew up here in Blackreach and I cared for your mother while he was in the mines. I knew of your family home and that it was a special place for you. You spent your first 40 years on this farm and I knew it would be the first place you'd go." He said to me, with genuine emotion.

"I never knew that you were so close to my family" I said slowly, shocked.

"Of course, my boy, and I plan on being as close to you too"

We left Blackreach and began the walk back to the mountain.

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