Chapter 2- 1E 655

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So, like I said, I wrote a second chapter before people even saw the first but I enjoy it and I hope that you do too! Thanks for reading, here's the second chapter.

As I entered Master Kagrenac's study, I noticed him staring into his plans for his 'great project' in excitement and anticipation. He must have found a way to harness the power of the heart.

"I apologise Master Kagrenac, but I haven't been able to do any research; Master Bthuand and I had a slight... misunderstanding." I grovelled as the intellectual continued to quietly giggle into his somewhat insane plans.

"It's fine, it's fine, my boy; your research would have been to no avail anyway as I have found a way to use the hearts power to my content. However, I will need to construct three great tools that must be dealt with care; I would like your assistance in developing them. Do you accept?" I looked at him with astoundment before managing to spit out a few words.

"Of course, sir, I would be honoured to-" I began before I was once again interrupted, this time by an angry Tonal Architect; Master Bthuand burst through the study doors with rage.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, KAGRENAC!" He roared as he pushed me aside to speak with his old friend.
"You can't tamper with the Heart of Lorkhan! Whether you believe in the gods being divine or not; this artefact is dangerous and was hidden for a reason!" Bthuand proclaimed, putting forward some valid points.

"You have no right to advise me, and you certainly have no authority over what I do!"

"But do you not think, my Lord, that it is quite extreme, attempting to use the heart of a God to power an enormous animunculi?" Bthuand asked.

"You!" The Chief Tonal Architect pointed to me with anger and frustration. "You told Master Bthuand of these plans did you not!? You shouldn't have read them to begin with! Were you never taught manners by the imbeciles you call parents!" He screamed at me before looking to the ground, disappointed with himself; my parents had been killed in a Falmer attack years ago, after the mine collapsed. Kagrenac took me in as a young child and trained me as his apprentice. When he insulted my parents, I felt more than hurt, I felt as though I had been betrayed. we Dwemer may not be one for strong feelings and emotions, but I thought Kagrenac loved me as his own son. However, I know now that I am but another servant to him.

Master Bthuand moved towards me and comforted me as I slowly sat down on a hard stone seat.

"I apologise, Szungchek. I shouldn't have said that. Your parents were brilliant engineers, and their death was far before their time. Please forgive me." I had never seen Kagrenac so empathetic before, perhaps he did care but I didn't respond I simply stood up and walked to my quarters.

After spending some time in my quarters, I decided to visit the memorial dedicated to the engineers lost in the collapse, including my parents.

When I reached the large obelisk I laid down a hand picked bouquet of Lavender, Nightshade and Deathbell; they were grown in the city garden.

I sat by the memorial for a few hours with different animunculi passing by every now and then, ignoring me of course. I decided to get up and move back to my quarters to gather my things, set up a camp by the monument and work in the mines.

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