Chapter Eight Part One

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"Jasper, there is something we must talk about," Alice sits up too. "We have to talk about us"

I look at Alice with confusion, but the seriousness on her face causes me to grow nervous. "Us?" My voice comes out quiet, and I fear what she has to say. Alice's eyes flash, as a vision takes place behind her eyelids. I stare at her, waiting. Waiting for her to say something.

"I think we should spend more time together Jazz," she smiles. "I miss you."

"Ali, is that really what you had to say?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I am serious. We haven't spent much time together because you're always with Isabella," she looks at her hands. "I miss us spending time together."

I take her hands in mine and press a kiss on each finger and then the back of her palm. "I think I can manage to spend some time with you Ali." Her face lights up instantly, and I lean over and press my lips to her own.

"I love you Jasper," Alice murmurs between kisses.

"As I love you Alice."


I wait by my car. My mind flickering by the memories of Alice's and my night. How every touch, every caress, every lingering gaze, did not feel the same. I think about how we made love, but the exchange was lacking love. I wouldn't call it a bad experience, but it definitely did not feel the same. My mind begins to wander to what it would be like, if Alice was replaced by Isabella. I imagine how it would feel, if I was caressing her skin, if I was gazing into her eyes, if it was her whom I made love with.

"Jasper," a voice calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. As I become aware of my surroundings once more, I see Isabella walking towards me with her school bag thrown over her shoulder. "Never seen a vampire jump before."

"Hello Isabella," I smile cheekily. "I was just thinking."

"It must've been interesting," she laughs, climbing into the car whilst I hold the door open. If only you knew Isabella, if only you knew.

"I guess you could say that," I laugh slightly. As I climb into the car, and gaze quickly at Isabella, I see a man looking out of the front window. His skin is dark and his hair is tied up in a messy pony tail, due to his dreadlocks. "A friend of the family?" I ask, my eyes locking with his blood red ones.

"That's Laurent," Isabella waves at the man. "He has been in the clan since it began. He was on the main influences on me, and he has taught me so much." I begin to drive away from the house, attempting to keep my mind of the thoughts that had been throwing through my mind beforehand. For some reason, I am beginning to find it harder to keep Alice in my mind, and Isabella out. Surely, it is because we are friends. Friends.

Edward's Point of View

His thoughts continue to ricochet between the two females. Alice. Isabella. Alice. Isabella. I can almost feel his mental frustration as he attempts to keep Alice in his thoughts, and Isabella out. Jasper walks ahead of me, Isabella at his side. She laughs at something he says, and I attempt to prod myself into her mind, but to no success.

How bad is it Ed? Alice thinks to me. I shake my head slightly. Is he beginning to like her? I listen to Jasper's thoughts again. Listening as he listens to Isabella, how he takes mental, subconscious notes on her voice, her facial expressions, the way she presents herself. I nod slightly, causing Alice to mentally sigh. I was going to tell him last night... she looks at me, and I raise my eyebrows at her. I couldn't do it Edward. I couldn't let him go. I sling my arm over her shoulder, whispering that its fine.

The thoughts of the humans begin to irritate me. It is all the same, just echoed by another. Why is the new girl with them? Why is Edward with Alice? What happened to Jasper? Could I hang out with them too? I attempt to ignore the thoughts, and focus on those of my family, but it is harder than it seems.

"Oi Eddy," Emmett's booming voice calls from behind as we walk through the school corridors.

"Yes Emmy," I reply, turning on my heel so I am walking backwards but facing Emmett.

"It's going to be a thunderstorm tonight," Emmett's eyes glint.

"Oh is that so?" I smile. "That's a shame."

I hear Isabella whisper to Jasper about the thunderstorm, and 'surprisingly' Isabella is now attending our baseball game tonight.

Isabella's Point of View

When I finally get home after school, I gush to Victoria about Jasper and how I am going to play baseball with them tonight. I talk to Victoria about the way Jasper was when we hunted the night before, how he was so free and gorgeous, how he told me he had never felt so alive. Once I started talking about Jasper, I couldn't stop talking about him.

"It sounds like you're falling in love Isabella," Victoria smirks from her seat on the couch. I look at her astonished.

"I mean, I am crushing on him but I don't think it is quite love," I murmur. "Anyone, isn't it impossible for someone to love another vampire romantically if that vampire is already mated?"

"Well that is supposed to be true," Vic says.  "Which means, either it is a lie, or Jasper isn't mated."

"But he is Vic, he is mated to Alice! I know that they hardly talk or spend time with each other but they are mated. She is just worried and jealous," my eyes pop wide with realisation. "Oh my god!"

"Have you figured it out Isabella?"

"Jasper and Alice aren't mated..."


I meet the Cullens at their home and Rose instantly greets me. "Hey Bella!"

"Hey Rose," I say, feeling slightly sick when I see Alice. She catches my eye and half smiles. I wonder if she knows that I know.

"Are you okay? You look slightly off," Rose grabs my arms and slowly shakes me, until my attention is once more on her.

"I am fine Rose, just not feeling all there," I state, shaking my head slightly. "I'm just a bit emotional. You know, newborn fanatics." It is so easy to blame my emotions on being a newborn, even though I have obviously adjusted to vampirism better than the average vampire.

"Hello Isabella," Jasper calls from the staircase. He walks straight past Alice and heads over to me, without even glancing at his mate. "Glad you could make it!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I smile. "Anyway, Em would kill me if I wasn't here."

"Damn yeah I would Bells," Emmett calls before flinging himself off the top balcony and full on sprinting at me and swinging me in his arms.

"Emmett Cullen, there is a staircase for a reason!" Esme yells as she walks outside, holding Carlisle by the hand. "And if I see you jumping of the balcony for a 20th time this week, I will rip down that bloody balcony." I giggle slightly, the word bloody sounding foreign from Esme's lips.

"Anyway," Carlisle calls. "Lets go play some baseball."

Word Count: 1242

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