Chapter Eight Part Two

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Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Alice and Emmett climb into Emmett's jeep, and Jasper, Edward and Myself  decide to run to the field where we will be playing baseball. Edward darts off, like a bullet, eager to reach the field and we are quickly left behind. Jasper and I, however, run at a slower pace.

"This is going to be so much fun," Jasper smiles.

"I'm hoping so," I smile back. "I'm ready to smash you all."

"Don't get to cocky Isabella," Jasper smirks. My mind flicks to my realisation and I frown. I should tell him... I look at Jasper as he runs. It may destroy him. But he needs to know.

"Hey Jasper," I smile nervously. "I need to talk to you ab-"

"Isabella can I talk to you?" Edward flies from the trees ahead of us, a glint of annoyance in his eyes.

"Sure," I stop running and wait for him to start the conversation.

"In private," I look at Jasper who has his eyes slightly slimmed as he looks at Edward. "It's fine Jasper, I'll meet you there." Jasper nods slightly before sprinting off.

Jasper's Point of View

I run off from where Edward and Isabella stay, but I stay close enough to still be able to hear what they are saying.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Isabella?" Edward murmurs to Isabella, hostility evident in his voice.

"What are you talking about?" Isabella says. I begin to feel defensive towards her and would like nothing more than to rip Edward apart, limb by limb, for speaking to Isabella in that manner.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Edward states. I can hear him walking and this is followed by Isabella's footsteps and a body gets pressed roughly against a tree. "Alice had a vision of you telling Jasper her secret."

"What secret is that Edward?" Isabella sneers. "The fact that Alice and Jasper aren't mates?" Shock flows through my body and I can feel a distinctive throbbing in my chest area, which I'm presuming is my dead heart breaking.

"That's exactly her secret," Edward states. "And if Jasper finds out because of you, I will personally kill you."

"Well Edward," Isabella challenges. "Jasper deserves better than this crap, and he deserves better than your lies."

"You don't know Jasper," Edward growls.

"I know him enough to know that he doesn't deserve this," Isabella states, hostility now in her voice. I feel gratitude towards Isabella because she has stood up for me even when my family isn't.

"Is that because you're in love with him Isabella?" Edward laughs. "You think Jasper would go for a human leach like yourself? You think he believes the lies you tell him?"

"Maybe it is Edward," Isabella replies, her voice as tough as nails. "And I think Jasper would be better off with someone like me, than being lied to by those who he thinks of as family." I sense the end of the conversation, so i dart off towards the east, heading away from the baseball field. I don't think I could go to the field, hang out with everyone, and pretend everything is okay. 

For now I shall be alone with my thoughts, and then when they return home I shall confront Isabella, and talk to her about what I heard. But until then, I must comfort my broken heart.

Isabella's Point of View

When Edward and I arrive at the field, the family is waiting for us, but Jasper is no where to be seen. I frown, nervous as he was supposed to meet us here.

Maybe he got lost? Impossible. Maybe he left something at the house? Why wouldn't he message someone about it? Maybe he didn't want to play? I could've stayed back with him.

"Jasper text me and said he didn't want to play," Alice says. "So it is only us." I wonder what is wrong with him.

"Alright then,"Carlisle says as we all huddle together. "Esme as usual is umpiring."

"Umpiring?" I ask.

"They play like they were raised by wolfs Isabella," Esme laughs, rubbing my arm slightly.

"We just play dirty," Emmett laughs.

"The teams will be: Myself, Rose and Isabella and we will be versing Alice, Edward and Emmett. Esme can I have a coin... Thankyou love. Alright Emmett, pick heads or tails."

"Heads," Emmett states with confidence. Carlisle flips the coin and when it lands on his hand Alice chuckles.

"It's tails Emmett " she laughs. "You can never get those." Emmett also chuckles and lightly shoves Alice.

My mind continuously flicks back to Jasper, and I wonder where he could be. And what is wrong with him.


It is 4.30 in the morning when I return home. My team lost the baseball, but I didn't really care because I was preoccupied the whole time thinking about Jasper. Thank God Edward can't read my mind.

I flop onto my bed, and close my eyes. Even though I cannot sleep, I still enjoy the comfort of the warm duvet on my skin. It makes me feel human.

"Isabella," a voice comes from the corner.

"Hello Jasper," I say, moving my head to the side so the pillow doesn't muffle my words.

"Would you like to come for a walk with me?" He asks, stepping into the light. His eyes are black, and as I know he has been fed, I wonder what it is from.

"Of course," I smile. We jump out of the window and wander the streets until we find ourselves at the park, where we sit on the swings.

"I overheard your conversation with Edward in the forest Isabella," Jasper says. My head snaps up and I stare at him. "About Alice and myself."

"I was going to tell you Jasper," I murmur. "I couldn't though. He threatened me, not that it means much but I didn't want-" Jasper cuts me off.

"I wanted to say thank you Isabella," Jasper smiles. And shock runs through my veins.

"Thank you?" I question him.

"For multiple reasons, I am thankful Isabella. You stood up for me, against my own family. You risked your safety to ensure that I was in the best possible position. You opened my eyes to the dangerous and poisonous relationship I have been in for years. And you have made me realise my true feelings about Alice."

"Jasper, it was the least I could do," I say as I mentally try to retain my giddiness.

"I still thank you Isabella," his hand lightly strokes my cheek. "But for now, I must go see Alice."

Word Count: 1104

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