James & Birthday Plans

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KayKay's POV

So apparently his name was James. He didn't stop talking to me during class, whether I was listening or not. He told me he had a girlfriend and he turned out to live in the same neighborhood as me and Tal. I just hope he doesn't interfere with us..

I walked out of class eager to see Tal so I ran up to his first class. He was coming out as I got a quick look of James hugging a girl on the other side of me. I felt awkward but as soon as Tal came out, I grabbed his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Ooo what's popping.." Tal said, jokingly. "Shush," I said as I saw James look at me and Tal as we passed him. "Anything wrong...?" Tal asked, as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Well, this creepy ass dude keeps following me and used a pickup line on me during med.." I said, lifting my head up. "He better not try my girl.." Tal said looking back. I pointed to him as he passed us with his gf. "Well he's not single right? Why is he on you then?" Tal asked. "He's probably a player." I said. Tal sighed, and we continued to walk to class together.

10 mins into class..

"Hey do you have a pen?" Tal asked me, "I think I lost mine.." "Sure," I said, grabbing one from my purse. So far, all we have been doing is taking notes.. I just can't think about anything else other than Tal's birthday that is coming up in a week.. I need to make it amazing for him, it's his BIG 20! I had the beach in my mind but Adi told me Disney would be fun. So we decided Disney.

After College..

We just had just gotten out of Tal's car, and dashed for my house. My house was always empty because I lived alone. "I should be uploading right now, but I can spend time with you.." Tal said, smiling at me. "Aww thanks, but I think you can get on the computer, upload a video, and talk with me.." I said. "Good idea," Tal said as he heading to his car to get his backpack that he forgot to bring in.

*few mins later*

"Okay.." I said getting up from the couch me and Tal we chilling on, "I'm going to take a shower, so make yourself feel at home while I do that.." "Oooh, can I join.." Tal said, winking a me. That literally made my heart skip a few beats. Soooo cute.. I thought in my head. "I know other stuff would be happening instead of showering if you joined.." I said, laughing at my stupid joke. He started laughing and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the couch. He crawled closer to me. "It's not romancing time, Tal, it's time for me to take a shower.." I said, putting my hand over his lips before he tried to kiss my cheek. Tal groaned, "Seriously.." he said. "Not yet.." I said smirking at him. "Not yet is all I can say." I got up and ran my fingers through my hair, seeing Tal in the corner of my eyes just watching me. "Tal.." I "yelled" but turned into a laugh. "Why you got to be so perfect, huh?" He said, grabbing my hand. I sat back down. "You're the perfect one here.. You got all those fan girls.." I said, wrapping my hands around his head. I looked at him and quickly kissed him on his nose. "I'll be back," I said, running upstairs.

Tal's POV

She's so goddamn perfect I thought. I used to think I wouldn't even have a chance with her. I touched my nose and looked at my hand after.. ahh If that was only on my lips.. I thought. I know a lot of people love me, but I felt like I never have found such an angel, with a great personality for me...


Authors note: Sorry, this took forever to update because of college and finals and all that. I hope you guys still enjoy the book and there is a lot more think I've had in my head that I haven't gotten to write yet, so stay tuned! I might update today or tomorrow!

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