Chapter Eight- Confrontations

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Author's POV

Cherish slowly opened her eyes as the sun peeked in between the curtains in her hotel room. She found herself in Randy's arms and she smiled softly. She had an amazing time with him last night, he was so gentle and caring. Cherish could still feel his lips on hers when they kissed last night. It felt like heaven everytime and she loved it. She sighed softly as she watched Randy sleep. They were so close to being intimate last night and it would've happened, if Cherish wasn't so stuck up on Roman.

There's still that small piece of her that believes Roman will come around and everything will go back to normal. Deep down inside, she still loves him and misses him. That's why she can't fully be with Randy like he wants her to. Randy knows how she feels, and he's willing to wait as long as it takes for her to truly get over Roman. The question is, will she?

Cherish softly caressed Randy's cheek as his chest rose up and down, his light breathing the only sound in the room. There was no doubt she was falling for him, and he was definitely falling for her. She's never felt like this before, not even with Roman.

Randy shifted slightly and slowly opened his eyes, making Cherish smile softly. There was a silence between them, admiring each other's morning beauty.

"Good morning." Randy said, breaking the silence. He wished they could wake up like this every morning, but he knew it wouldn't happen so he kept his fantasy to himself.

"Good morning. We don't have work today, so I was wondering if we could spend the day together." Cherish said. She felt so comfortable and safe in his Randy's presence, and she didn't wanna let him go, not yet.

"Of course. And later on, I could get Alanna and you could get Kaydence and they could have a little playdate." Cherish nodded.

"Sounds great." She responded and there was another silence between them. Randy linked his hand with Cherish's, and stared into her eyes as he wanted to tell her everything he was thinking.

"What is it?" She asked. He sighed and let her hand go.

"Nothing." He got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Cherish could sense something was up, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Did he not like her anymore? Is he finally tired of waiting on her? So many questions ran through her head.

Randy walked out of the bathroom and walked over to her side of the bed.

"Shower?" He held his hand out. Cherish smiled and grabbed it, walking into the bathroom with him.

Cherish's POV

Randy and I showered together and walked back into the room. And once again, we were so close to being intimate, and of course, I told him I wasn't ready. It's like everytime I try, Roman pops up in my head. I bet he's not even thinking about me anyway. I know I need to let him go and be with Randy, but it's easier said than done. I love Roman so much, he's been there through everything, he was my first in everything. It's like our souls are eternally bound and I can't figure out how to unbind them. I do know one thing. Joe better get his shit together if he wants us to work again.

I began to get dressed as my phone rang. I walked over and looked at the caller id. Roman. I looked over at Randy who looked away. I sighed and answered the phone.


"Hey Cherish." Hearing his voice gave me some sort of relief.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast with me. I really do wanna work on us Cherish, and I was thinking this could be a start." Roman said, making me smile. I'm glad to know he's actually trying. Like he said, it's a start.

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