Chapter XXIII: Snow

Start from the beginning

Your own thoughts made you realize something. Family. You considered them family. You looked to the kitchen to see Zack and Aerith laughing and holding hands. They were so happy together and made a great team. You were a bit jealous that Sora and Vanitas had such great parents, but you didn't have to be anymore. You were part of the family now. Even if it wasn't official, they were your parents. Your past may have made a huge impact on your life, but your present was going to make an even greater impact.

And you were happy.


Time had passed since that day. Your talking skills were still poor, and everyone seemed a bit disappointed about it. But as time went on you began to talk again, forcing yourself to come to the realization that Yaag was where he belonged once again and hopefully shouldn't be coming back.

Winter had come around, and you were excited for it; for good and bad reasons. The bad reasons were because you could wear long sleeves and cover up your bruises and injuries that you and Yaag had placed on your body. But the good reasons were because not only did you get a vacation for Christmas and the snow, but this was going to be the first year you got to be happy on Christmas. In the past you did get presents, but they never came from love or consideration from Yaag and Jihl. Both of them just found something in the store, wrapped it and gave it to you. Then they would of course argue with one another about why they didn't get anything good for Christmas from each other, which would result in you simply leaving and going into your room to watch the snow fall from outside while you tried to tune them out.

This year, you wanted it to be different. You couldn't buy your friends any gifts and you didn't want to ask Zack for money again since he was already buying gifts. So instead you had to come up with a way to make gifts for all your friends. The question was how?

Your Christmas break had rolled around and you had two weeks off from school. It was nice to sleep in and take a break from all the stress you had to go through. (Not only from school, but other things obviously). The first day of your break after you had woken up, you were seated on the couch flipping through the different channels. Aerith and Zack were both working, while Sora was in the kitchen playing with some iPad and Vanitas was still sleeping.

You were getting a bit bored as you flicked through the channels, and eventually you left it on one channel and turned to look out the window. When you did so, you realized there was a small white dot flying by the window. You immediately jumped to your feet and went to the window, peering outside. Your eyes lit up when you realized it was snowing, and a smile grew on your face.

Without putting on any protective clothing, you walked to the front door in your bare feet and pajamas and threw the door open. You got Sora's attention as you stepped outside, looking up and watching the snowflakes fall rapidly. You couldn't help but giggle as Sora stood beside you and got excited himself.

"Awesome it's snowing!" He exclaimed as he took your hand into his. "I hope it gets pretty deep. We can have a snowball fight. Have you ever had one of those?"

You laughed and shook your head. "No."

Sora frowned and looked at you. "You're missing out. When it snows enough we can have fun! I'll have mom and dad buy you snow outfits so you'll stay warm and we can have lots of fun!"

You nodded in agreement and turned back to the snow. Sora kept a hold of your small hand as you both stood in the cold and watched the snowflakes gently fall before you. A smile was plastered into your face and you were enjoying the winter wonderland that was forming in front of you. However, eventually you shivered and realized it was freezing outside and you should stay out for too long. Sora noticed and kept a tight hold of your hand as he tugged you to go back inside the house.

"You really need a thick jacket." Sora said as he sat you on the couch and went to grab a soft blanket. He wrapped it over your shoulders and you pulled it closer around you. He sat down on the couch and gave you a hug, resting his head on your shoulder. You let him do so and you grabbed the controller and began to flip through the channels once again.

"Hey..." Sora suddenly began after a few minutes. You lowered the remote to let him know you were listening and he continued. "Are you happy here?"

You nodded your head. "I'm happy. I've never been this happy in a long, long time."

"But you've been happy before?"

You hesitated to answer as you took a moment to stare at the screen. "When I was younger everything wasn't so bad." You admitted quietly.

Sora lifted his head to look at you and his curious eyes stared innocently. "When did it start to go bad?"

You shrugged. "Maybe when I was about ten or so. That's when my parents used to start arguing a lot."

Sora blinked. "Parents? But I've only heard about your dad."

You felt your hand get shaky and you quickly sat the remote down on the couch next to you so it wasn't obvious. "She was sick of the arguing and eventually she just... Left. My dad said she killed herself but maybe he was lying. I don't know."

Sora noticed how shaky your voice was as he brought you closer to him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"You're making her uncomfortable Sora. Stop."

Vanitas came down the stairs with his messy hair and pajamas. He made his way to the kitchen, where he opened the fridge and was looking through it. "Sorry Vanny..." Sora muttered. "I just wanna understand everything."

"She'll tell you when she's ready." Vanitas growled. He pulled out an apple and sat down at the kitchen table and took a bite of it, staring right in your direction.

"It's alright." You assured the two of them. "I just need time."

"Don't let that porcupine head force you into talking about things you don't want to talk about." Vanitas told you.

"Look who's talking!" Sora snapped back.

"Don't argue..." You trailed off, looking down at the floor and feeling a bit upset. You wanted to talk about everything, but talking about it made you feel sick to your stomach. It also seemed to get the boys arguing, so you decided to keep quiet for a while until you felt it was the right time to share. The brothers realized how uncomfortable you seemed and dropped the subject quickly. Sora instantly started to talk about Christmas, getting excited once again and acting as if the previous subject never happened.

"What do you want for Christmas Vanitas?" Sora asked as he looked to his older brother.

Vanitas chewed his apple thoughtfully, looking up at the ceiling. "I haven't came up with a list or anything yet and Christmas is coming up soon. Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe new leather gloves, chain necklaces..."

Sora stuck his tongue out. "I asked for a puppy. I've always wanted a dog."

"How about a cat instead?"

"No! I want a puppy!"

Vanitas rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed sigh before turning to you. "How about you, {Y/N}? What do you want?"

You shook your head. "I-I don't know... I have everything I want I guess."

"You must want something!" Sora exclaimed. "New clothes? Something to decorate your room with? A cellphone?"

"I'd feel greedy..."

Zack and Aerith had provided your basic needs and you really didn't require anything else. They paid for the carnival and were fostering you, they gave you food and your own room. You really didn't want anything else. You were satisfied with what you have, however you knew they would get you something anyway because you knew how the family worked by now. You've never really celebrated Christmas for years, so you never sat down and thought about what you would want, (other than for the family to get along of course).

Sora gave you another big hug before he jumped off the couch and was facing his older brother. "Vanny make her choose something."

"She can choose or not choose by herself."

You turned back to the tv screen, staring at it blankly.

If you did happen to decide on a present, what would you want?

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