Chapter Three: Unpremeditated Tryst

Start from the beginning

"I missed you baby and I just want one hot wet night together." Tristan bit his lip and dragged his eyes seductively all over Charles's body.

"Not tonight Tristan. I think you should go too. I'm not feeling well and I really can use some time alone."


"No Tristan."

"Fine. My brother just texted me as well and fortunately for you, he needs me. I'll be on my way now." Tristan muttered while looking through his phone that had vibrated some seconds ago.

Charles escorted his boyfriend down the stairs to the front door. Tristan stopped right out the door and faced him. Charles had to reminisce how good looking Tristan was as he stood there before him with the familiar sexy smile on his face. Tristan knew just how much his attractiveness affected Charles and he loved it. Tristan pulled Charles head down enough to capture his lips with his. He moaned as he tasted the man he lusted, loved and craved everyday. Charles was the best thing that ever happened to him and he kissed him just as much.

"Stop.....stop...stop." Charles panted after pulling away from Tristan. "You should go."

"Alright Charles. I will be back as soon as I can." Tristan whispered before walking away from Charles's home, into the darkness of the night.

Charles closed the front door and slid down to the floor. He needed a goodnight rest and get his mind set on one thing only. He stood up and was about to head up to his room when there was a knock on his front door. He wondered if it was Tristan already back and he opened the door to confront him but Tristan wasn't the one on his doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" Charles seethed.

"Look Charles, please hear me out. I need to talk to you about us. I need to explain myself to you." Ron pleaded, hoping the door won't shut on his face.

Charles wanted to close the door and forget Ron was even there. He really wanted to walk away again from him but he hesitated and Ron saw that as his opportunity.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away. It was really hard for me and I'm not just saying excuses but I just couldn't embrace the changes in my life at that time. But that was in the past and I'm here now. I came for you Charles and believe it or not, I've been searching for you for years."


"I want to be with you Charles. I know I can't take back the years that we've lost but I'm here to make sure we lose nothing more." Ron breathed heavily.

"You...." Charles stopped and then sighed. "We can talk about it tomorrow." He moved away from the doorway.

"You want me to come in?" Ron asked.

"Yes. Come in."

Ron picked up his bag on his feet and entered the house, closing the door behind him. He thanked the goddess for his luck because he wasn't sure if Charles would let him in. They haven't talked things out but at least Charles had promised to talk about it tomorrow. Ron could see just how tired Charles was that's why he didn't push him on talking about it right away. He also needed to sleepover it and think about how to plead his case tomorrow.

"You will sleep on the couch. I lost my key of the guestroom and I can't just break it down."

"Oh." Ron replied in a deflated tone. He looked at the uncomfortable couch that would be his bed and grimaced. He was sure his feet would be dangling over the edge.

"The kitchen is that way if you want anything and the bathroom is down that hall." Charles pointed in the directions and Ron nodded. "I'm off to sleep." Charles dashed up the stairs.

Ron watched him go silently. Charles was very handsome and strong to which Ron thought he was stronger than himself. Perhaps they would test that theory after resolving things between them. Ron visited the kitchen to drink some water and then to the bathroom for a quick shower. He wore some pajama pants he brought with him and left his upper body bare because it was hot inside the house. He closed his bag and left it on the floor beside the couch before lying down. He shifted about for some time to find a comfortable spot before sighing and closing his eyes.

Charles was in bed about to sleep after his long shower when he remembered he had not gave his guest any blankets. He got up and took some before exiting his room and descending down the stairs. He stopped when he noticed the half naked body on his couch. Ron had his eyes closed and Charles hoped he was already asleep. After gazing at his mate for some time, Charles moved forward until he was standing in front of the sleeping body on the couch. He unfolded one of the blankets and covered him up.

He noticed how hot it was in the room and left the blanket on Ron's waist, not pulling it all the way up. He turned on the air conditioner to cool down the room before climbing up the stairs.

Ron woke up the next morning, immediately remembering where he was and why. He tried to listen in for some movement around the house but found none. He yawned and got up to visit the bathroom. After doing his business in the bathroom, he walked straight to the kitchen. He found a note on the counter and read it.

I'm off to work early because I didn't get some things done yesterday. You can have anything you want to cook and I've left some money if you want to order out. I'll be home as soon as I can and we can have that talk.


Ron sighed and folded the note. He felt sad that Charles had just left without waking him up to at least say goodbye to his face than a note. Despite that though, he was grateful Charles trusted him enough to leave him in his home and also that Charles still wanted to have that talk with him. The only thing to do now was to wait until Charles come back from work.

Until Next Time!


(Pic above is Ron)

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