*Chapter Eleven*

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After my chat with dad, I'm confused and conflicted.
How had I never known mom had powers?
I mean I knew she was different, but I always thought it was just her being a hippy. Well not a full on hippy but close to that.
The midnight chantings, the weird books about mother nature and the purpose of energy works.
The aura readings, the weird dreams and then the early morning hour calls in secret.
Why did she hide being a witch?
And why did she never let dad speak of it?
I had so many questions running through my mind.
Guess dad will have to answer that.

Ring ring- ring ring.
Who the hell is at my door?

Skipping to the front door, I open it and try to slam it shut again to no avail.
I'm in no mood to talk to anybody.
"Dimmitri, what are you doing here?"
Smiling he opens the door.
"I just came by to bring you some food and coffee. I saw you at steam punk and I thought a little coffee won't hurt."
Sighing I let him in, seeing him saunter in as if he owned the place, annoying Me.

"OK fine just act like you live here. Thanks anyway. I do need some coffee."
"OK so I've got good and bad news, and your probably going to throw me out so I'll just spit it out as fast as I can and go for the door."
What now? I've got so many obstacles in my path these last 3 years. Giving the finger to karma.
"Just spit it out wolf, I've had enough of shit to run me over. Might as well just throw me with bricks."

Why is he looking nervous?
What is so bad he is sweating like a show pig?
"OK so I never told you I'm the werewolf prince. And I have a ball in two days, my father asked me to bring a date and it kind of slipped out that I found my mate and now he's practically planning our wedding and how many grandkids he wants. And I'm sorry I hid it from you but I knew you would freak out. Oh my god, are you OK?"

My heart is beating so fast it hurts, my palms and about everywhere is sweating and I'm having a panic attack.
Oh karma, why do you hate me?
I'm never bad, OK maybe now and then. But I do a lot of good.
Breathe Scar just breathe.
This asshole! He lied to me!
My voice so low he visibly pales,
"Just get out you shithead. Go now before I get my handgun and I bet you won't live to see another day. Go! Why are you still here?"
He stands up and touches my back, trying to take the panic attack away but what he doesn't know is that when I get panicked I lash out.
And that's the last thing I want to do right now.
I've got too much drama already.
"Dimmitri just go, I'll call you tomorrow. I just need alone time right now."
"Look Scar I'm sorry but I didn't want you to freak. Its a lot of pressure. You think you've got it bad? Try being a royal."
"Excuse me? So losing my mother and boyfriend at the same day in front of me might I add and then training so hard I end up in hospital a few times just to get good enough to fucking kill that vampire bastard and then fighting him and killing his fiancé and then shooting fucking black energy out of my damn hands and then I have to find out my whole life was practically a lie because she lied to me and then I find a mate and he expects me to go to a stupid ball with stupid people eating stupid rich food and stupid conversation! Then YOU who has life so easy tell ME who lost almost everything that I don't know pain? Fuck you! And fuck karma and fuck everything this world stands for!"
Fuming I reach for my baseball bat and hit my kitchen counter, hitting the cupboards next and then aiming for the door, I hit it with all of my strength and break it in half. Screaming and swearing at everything and everybody.
Then huge arms lifts me up in the air, pressing my back against a hard chest.
"Shhh baby, please don't cry. I'm sorry baby."
Feeling my traitorous tears I cry harder, clutching his arms to my chest and sob.
Why did I have to get this shitty hand of cards called life?
"Why me? Why did she have to go and leave me and avah all alone in this shitty world?"
Rubbing my arms he sounds pained when he finally answers me.
"I'm sorry you have had this many hardships baby, look I'm sorry. Its just that it sucks to be under so much pressure and I really hate forcing you to come with me. But I can't imagine another woman at my side. Please calm down, ilk cancel the ball I swear, anything for you baby."
Hearing his sad voice snaps me back to reality.
Its not his fault, he can't make all of his choices like me and about everybody else. He is royal after all. A royal pain but nonetheless.
Coming to a decision I sigh.
"Fine, I'll go with you. Do I need a dress?."
"Yes. Just something formal. Anyway I need to go. I'll see you in two days baby."
Kissing me on the cheek, he turns to leave.
"Bye bye Wolfie. Sorry about my breakdown. I'll see you in two days."
Saying Good-bye and closing the door.
Two days to get my dress and shoes.

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