Part 2

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Peep's POV:

Today felt quieter than normal. I arrived at school and people stared, obviously, but I felt there was less chatting. I didn't think much of it, though. I was pretty tired and I was about to pass out in English class but a female began to open a conversation with me, "You seem different." She said, standing next to me. "Okay?" I looked up at her with an annoyed look. "And you're pretty cute... I kinda wanna kiss your neck" she grabbed the back of her neck nervously, and began to rub my shoulder with her other hand. I just wasn't having it today. "I kinda wanna eat your neck and watch your blood seep out." I snapped back aggressively and grinned.

Off to the office I go.

The man in the office just studied me for awhile, I believe he was the vice principal. I was scanning his office, noticing the little trinkets that sat on his desk. I crossed my arms and sat back with my legs spread. "Whats your name, kid." He said sternly, breaking the silence. "Lil peep!" I said, flashing a goofy grin and a mouthful of pink, sparkly grillz. Whats your REAL name." He said petulantly. I paused for a moment. "That IS my real name." He rolled his eyes and squinted at me. "You can't go around threatening people like that. I'm giving you after school detention for now and calling your parents, but if it happens again, I'll suspend you." He wrote on a small sheet of paper, slipped it towards me and turned to his computer. I took that as an invitation to leave.

As i was walking out, I saw the boy standing outside the vice principal's office. He was walking in as I was walking out. He seemed afraid and tense. He brushed past me and we made eye contact for a split second. His face turned pink and he looked away. I wonder what he's going in there for, I thought. I felt the need to wait for him but I decided it wasn't the best idea, not yet at least.

The rest of my classes flew by, I couldn't stop thinking about the boy. At the end of the school day, I watched everyone leave school. I took the crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket and opened it, it told me the room my detention was in. I looked up, out the big glass doors of the school. It was POURING outside. I sighed and began to walk towards the designated room detention was in. The boy was there, he was reading a book and listening to music. I felt a feeling run down my spine. I decided to sit by him, he was sitting in the back corner. He looked up at me and almost jumped. He seemed stunned and not able to say or do anything. "Hi," I grinned at him. He looked around timidly and back at me. He took one earbud out. "A-are you talking to me?" His voice cracked. I laughed to myself about how nervous I made this boy. I looked over at the teacher, he was paying 0 attention to us. A kid got up and left even. I grabbed the boys hand, he didn't retract. "Lets go." I stood up and pulled at his hand. He stood up too. I pulled the boy out of the classroom silently, trying my best to avoid the teachers view. "W-who are you?" The boy questioned. "Gustav, but call me peep." He looked confused, I just laughed again. I pulled him outside into the rain and ran over to my car. He got into the passengers seat.
"Where are we going?" He said. I didn't respond, I just laughed again and sped away from the school.

I knew I scared him. He was terrified but I didn't care. I decided to drive to the edge of a secret forest only I and a couple other people knew about. The drive was almost an hour. The boy kept asking me where we were going and what I was doing but I never gave him any straight answer. At this point I decided to ask him what his name was. "Whats your name though kid?" I asked him, taking a sip of my water. "Ghostemane." He smirked. I looked at him and laughed. "No your REAL name." He blushed a little. "Eric.." I laughed.

Suck my blood (Lil Peep x Ghostemane)Where stories live. Discover now