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Liza had suffered with nightmares as long as she could remember. As a child, she often woke up screaming in the middle of the night, and many times the horrors were so vivid she could hardly believe they weren't real. 

In the past few years, Liza had only suffered a few of these dreams, but when she became super stressed about something, they always paid a visit. 

Of course being a youtuber is an extremely stressful job in itself, but when you add starring in a time-consuming moving, endless interviews, and buying Christmas gifts for the rather large family to the job description, stress levels skyrocket.

After a particularly long day, Liza couldn't have be more grateful for some beauty sleep. She crawled under the covers and fell asleep instantly. Within a few hours, that calm slumber was interrupted.

In her dream she was walking down Hollywood Blvd., hand in hand with David. They had just left a small diner and were heading towards their Uber. When they were just about to step into the car, they noticed a man walking toward them. 

"Hey, do you folks have any spare change?" His voice was deep and scratchy. 

"Umm, let me look, one second," David replied being polite. He pulled out his wallet and produced a small handful of coins. He handed them to the stranger as Liza got into the back of the Uber.

"Thanks man," he said and gave a small, unsettling smile. "Why don't you go ahead and hand over the wallet too, and that pretty little thing's purse," he spoke, motioning towards Liza.

"Sorry man, we gotta get going," David said, reaching for the door handle, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. 

Liza watched from inside the car as the man pull out a gun. She tried to warn David, but her body refused to move. The man pulled the trigger. Liza woke with a start.

As she took in her surroundings, she took fast, shallow breaths. A cold sweat covered her back. She began feeling around in the darkness for the lamp switch. Once light filled the room, she headed straight for the bathroom. She turned on the sink, splashing a bit of water on her face attempting to wake herself up and calm down a bit.

"Liza you're being ridiculous," she whispered to herself, "you need to get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow. David's fine. Go back to bed." She forced herself to get back into bed she closed her eyes and drifted off again. The dream began where it ended.

She was pounding on the window trying to get out of the car to David, but the door was locked, and she found that it wasn't possible to unlock it. 

She reached for the driver and began shaking his shoulder, "QUICK UNLOCK THE CAR AND CALL 911, MY BOYFRIENDS BEEN SHOT," she sobbed. 

The driver turned to face her, and she let out a scream. It was the guy who had shot David. "I don't thing you're in any position to be giving me orders beautiful," he said with a toothy smile. 

The car began moving, and Liza woke for a second time. This time she was hysterical, as she fumbled around in the darkness for her phone. She felt it, and she turned it on, quickly dialing David's number. She needed him to pick up. It rang once, then twice, then a third time. Liza began sobbing, thinking he wasn't going to pick up.

"Liza, baby whats up," he mumbled in a tired voice. She let out a sob of relief. "Liza are you okay?," this time he sounded concerned and fully awake.

"I just had a bad dream," she said. She was already beginning to feel much better. Her breathing began evening out, and her heart was regaining a steady beat.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes," he told her. She tried to protest, but he'd already hung up. 

She scrolled through Twitter for a few minutes before hearing the apartment door unlock. His footsteps were music to her ears. He walked into her room, still in his pajamas, with only his phone in his hand.

She gave him a sad smile and he crawled straight into bed, pulling her to his chest. "Do you want to talk about it, baby," he whispered.

"No," she said softly, "it wasn't real."


I'm sooooo sorry I haven't posted in forever! Ughhhhh, I've just been super busy. This definitely isn't my best work, but please forgive me lol. I wrote it at like 2 in the morning.. If you have any requests let me know in the comments. Oh, and thank you so much for almost 400 views. You guys mean the world to me- Josie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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