Chapter 16

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Cole came to the hospital early the next day.

"So they said a a week or two?"

"Yep." Taylor smiled again. "The pain thing will still happen, but they will give you the meds and emergency advice. They find nothing wrong with me, so that's why they're going to allow me to leave. It usually happens about once a day."

"You certain?" Cole wanted to be absolutely sure.

"Yes." Her smile faded for a second. "They're going to run a few more tests before they decide that it's just effects of the wound. However," And the smile returned. "They did say that they would allow you to take me around the hospital today in a wheelchair."


The doctor came in. She knelt down beside Taylor and disconnected the tube attached to her arm. "That's quite enough of that," she laughed. Behind her, the doctor he had seen before rolled in a large black wheelchair.

"All ready to go for today." His face turned serious. "But remember what to do if the-"

"Relax, I got it," Cole replied instantly. He picked Taylor up off of the bed and eased her down slowly down into the wheelchair. She smiled and did a thumbs-up when she got comfortable. "Ready to go!"

The male doctor gave Cole the syringe. "Good luck. If something happens to the medicine, come to us right away. You know where we are." Cole nodded before pushing Taylor out into the hall.

"Can we start in the cafeteria?" Taylor asked. "I want to be able to choose my own food for once."

"Whatever you want." He rolled his friend down the hall.

They reached the end of the hallway near the waiting room and Cole sighed. "Now where's the cafeter-"

Cole stopped in mid-sentence and looked straight ahead.

Because sitting in four of the chairs in front of them sat Danny, Merrick, Alyssa, and Max.

"Alyssa! Danny!" Cole ecstatically rolled Taylor over to their friends.

"Taylor!" Alyssa hugged her gently before leaning back again. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too, Cole," Max added, putting an arm around Cole. "We haven't seen you in a while. You must love her more than most things to abandon us for the hotel." He winked.

Cole lightly punched Max in the shoulder. Max chuckled. "It's true."

Cole rolled his eyes.

Max punched Cole back. He laughed, but then gasped as the syringe in his hand clattered to the ground and it must have been a glass syringe because it then shattered into a bunch of pieces and the blue liquid medicine inside it spilled out.

"Max!" Cole snapped. He explained to his friend what that had been for and Max's eyes widened.

At the same moment, which was very convenient, Taylor lay back in her wheelchair and began moaning. Her hand grasped her other arm as Cole gasped.

"We need to get back to the room!" Cole exclaimed. He turned to Alyssa, Max, Danny, and Merrick and shook each of their hands gently. "It was nice to see you all. But we have to go." They all nodded a quick goodbye before Cole turned around and hurriedly wheeled Taylor's' wheelchair back to Room 166.

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