Chapter 1

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Alyssa paced across the floor in the main room of the Animarium. Her hair was ruffled and eggs made by her own hand sat on the table. But though she had waited for at least an hour, no one came to eat the eggs.

"I can't take it anymore!" Alyssa yelled, her hands balling into fists. But suddenly, the door to the room on the other side of where Alyssa was slid open, and Cole entered the room, followed by Max, Danny, and lastly, Taylor.

"What took you guys so long?" Alyssa stalked up to Cole and yelled in his face. Cole gently pushed her away, sat down at the breakfast table, and began to help himself to some of the eggs Alyssa had prepared. The other Rangers joined him, not wanting to be left out. Alyssa rolled her eyes, grabbed her backpack, and took off.

"Those were good!" Max exclaimed when he had finished. He got up from the table. Taylor nodded in agreement, got up as well, and went to stand beside Princess Shayla.

"You think the orgs we might fight soon are super powerful?" Max inquired. Danny thought for a moment before shaking his head. "There's got to be only Master Org and a few other stupid orgs around. I'm pretty sure that we won't have as much trouble as we usually have in our next battle."

"Don't say that, guys," Princess Shayla exclaimed. She gracefully walked over to Danny and stood right in front of him. "Don't be so sure about what you just said. There might be more trouble than we expect."

Max stared at Princess Shayla with a questioning look on his face. "But why, princess? There couldn't possibly be super powerful org generals still out there. Otherwise we would have gotten an alarm from the fountain telling us that an org was attacking the city."

"Still." Princess Shayla was adamant about keeping the them all not overconfident. "They could be waiting for the right moment to attack. Don't underestimate what your enemy could be like. You don't know what might be in store for you."

Taylor's voice broke into the conversation. "Have you had a vision, princess, that could tell us whether or not the next org we'll be fighting will be strong or not?"

Princess Shayla turned to face Taylor, who had come up behind her. "No, I have not. But I fear that if you underestimate the next org, he could bring great damage to you guys."

Their words were interrupted when a large spray of water burst from the fountain at the middle of the room. Princess Shayla looked into the pool of water, then turned back to the Rangers with widened eyes.

"This org may be very unpredictable," she warned. "Call Alyssa and bring him down quickly."

Cole called Alyssa from his growl phone. She told him to meet her where the org was, which was at the Plaza, and he agreed. Soon, all the Rangers, including Merrick, were on their way to battle the new org.

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