"Mother— oh, I didn't realize that you had company over." The boy stood in the doorway, gazing over at the two Burr ladies. "I'm sorry I'm intruding."

"Philip, it's alright. You know Mrs. Burr." Eliza nodded her head in her friend's direction. Philip nodded and walked over to the women.

"I do, it's wonderful to see you again, Mrs. Burr." He looked over at the young girl that looked just like Theodosia. "I've never seen you at tea before. I'm Philip, welcome to our home." He met the girl's dark eyes and smiled warmly.

Theo hesitated before replying to the young man of the household. "It's a pleasure to be here, and a pleasure to meet you. I'm Theodosia, but many call me Theo." She bowed her head as a sign of respect.

Philip smiled and shook his head. "There's no need for that, Theo." She raised her head back to it's normal position, returning his warm smile.

Eliza placed her hand on her son's arm. "Philip, you should play a song for our guests." She suggested, looking over at the piano in the room. "Philip is quite the pianist." Eliza said proudly. "Go on, Philip."

Theodosia nodded. "You know, Philip, Theo plays the piano too. Maybe you two could play together. I bet your mother would enjoy it and I know I would too." Theodosia gently pushed her daughter up and off the sofa. "Go ahead, Theo."

The two children made their way over to the piano that was positioned against the wall. Once they arrived there, Theo noticed something different. "Where's your book?"

   Philip looked back at the girl with a confused expression plastered on his face. "My book? What book?"

   She took her seat on the piano stool and looked back at the boy. "You know, your book. It's filled with music that you play on the piano. Where is it?"

   The boy took his place next to Theo. "I don't have a book. I just play what my mother teaches me, but I like to change the cords. It annoys her." Theo let out a small laugh before placing her fingers onto the piano keys. She always felt comfortable on the piano, but for some reason, she felt nervous this time around. Performing in front of an audience wasn't difficult for her, but being in Philip's presence caused her to grow anxious. Philip placed his fingers a few chords higher than his guest. "What songs do you know?"

   "Just start playing, I'll join in soon enough." Philip nodded and began to play a soft, soothing melody. Theo chimed in a minute later, when she recognized the melody. The two were both talented alone, but together, they played beautifully. Eliza and Theodosia looked at each other happily as they listened to their children play. Theo focused on her playing while Philip couldn't help but watch Theo play. He had never met such a talented person in his life.

   As they played, Theodosia spoke softly to her friend. "I must be going, I'm feeling faint." Eliza placed her hand on Theodosia's comfortingly. She knew that her friend was falling ill, which she caused her to lose sleep some nights. The worry she felt for her was unexplainable. "Theo, darling. We should hurry home. Father must be expecting us soon." Theo turned around to see her mother. She didn't look good. Theo had been seeing this for weeks now. Her mother convinced her that she was just getting older and she got tired quicker.

   The young girl stood up and took her mother's hand. "Thank you for having us, Mrs. Hamilton. I enjoyed being here." Theo looked over at the boy she had just been playing the piano with. "Thank you for playing with me, Philip. Your mother was right, you are quiet the pianist."

   Philip nodded and smiled at the girl. "Thank you for joining me. I didn't know that anyone could match my talent, let alone exceed it. We'll have to get together again to play more."

   "That would be nice, thank you." Theo and her mother made their way to the door. "Don't be afraid to write me." Philip nodded. "Goodbye." And just like that, Theo and her mother were gone.


   A year later, Philip Hamilton was accepted into Kings High Boarding School. He was very excited and was overjoyed. At the same time, just five minutes down the road, Theo's heart was breaking. She had just found out how serious her mother's condition was. Cancer had consumed her. Philip kept his promise and wrote to Theo, unaware of what was happening in her life. The two had grown to be good friends.

Dearest, Theodosia,

I have great news. I was accepted into Kings High School! I'm very excited, and I know how much you value education, so I thought I'd share the news with you. I just wish you had the same opportunities as I do. I promise to teach you when I return.  I don't know when I'll see you again, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll keep writing to you, as long as you write me back. Until we meet again, Theo.

Yours truly,
Philip Hamilton

   A day after the letter was received, Theodosia slipped away in her sleep, leaving Aaron and Theo heartbroken. Theo couldn't bring herself to write back to Philip's many letters. Eventually, the letters stopped coming and the two fell out. Until five years later...


IT'S MY VERY FIRST HAMILTON STORY AND I'M PUMPED! I'm sorry if this prologue was rushed or sloppy. I'm not good at writing children, but I hope for it to get better. Please leave your thoughts, that would be fantastic. I'd love to hear what you think!

Dearest, Theodosia Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz