The Branches

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From this chapter:

Bastian's POV:  "Small, silent tears begin to appear in Lucy's eyes."

Lucy's POV:  "I wrap my arms around Bastian's shoulders and he leans in..."

Read it to find out what happens


Bastian's POV:

It's been a couple weeks since school started. I've just gotten used to North Haven High and it's oddities. But I haven't quite had the courage to talk to Lucy as much as I wish I would. We have certainly seen each other and exchanged hellos in the hallway, but, other than that, I haven't said much to her.

I wake up on time this morning and go through my usual morning routine. Then I head to school in my truck. I like the drive. It's about 25 to 30 minutes with beautiful scenery. There are so many trees and the highway winds around them. It's a good drive for thinking. And I like to think.

I usually put music on, but, this morning, I drive in silence, contemplating my recent feelings. Such as what I feel about Lucy. I need to tell her something, but I don't know what I should say. I figure towards the end of the drive that I should just confront her and let all of my thoughts spill out and hope I don't embarrass myself.

At lunch today I sit with her as usual, but I start to speak and stutter: "L-Lucy?" I ask.

She looks up from her food, "Yes Bastian? What is it? Go on now. Spit it out." We had become good friends over the past few weeks and had become fairly comfortable around each other, to an extent.

"Will you. . . uh. Sorry. Umm, what are doing this Friday night?" I final say, nervous as to her response. I run the nack of my neck expectantly.

She blushes a little, knowing what I'm trying to say. "Oh nothing really. Why do you ask?"

I take in a short breath. "Because. . . I was just wondering if you--"

"Yes?" she asks, encouraging me to keep going.

"--if you wanted to maybe, I don't know, go see a movie with me? There's a new opening this Friday for that movie you said you wanted to see," I ask her.

She puts her hand over mine. "Well, I will have to ask my dad of course, but I should be able to go. But first, I have to show you something. Meet me in the courtyard after school and I'll take you there," she replies, leaving me slightly confused. What could she need to show me?

Then the end-of-lunch bell rings and Lucy starts to walk away. "Meet me there," she calls back. "Right after school. Don't be late." I watch her walk out of the cafeteria, her hair bouncing as she walks, almost skipping. She looks back at me for just a moment through the window as I get up, grabbing my lunch trash.

I throw my trash away and look back to where she was and she is gone, off to third period. But it's a B day and we don't have the same third period class. I walk out of the cafeteria beaming with pride. I have never asked a girl out before and I think that for my first time, I was pretty successful.


Bastian's POV:

I am standing outside in the courtyard waiting for Lucy. I spot her figure walking my way about two minutes after I start to wait. She walks up to me and right past me without even looking at me.

I watch as she starts to walk away in the other direction, towards off-campus. "Are you going to just stand there?" she says over her shoulder. "Come on silly!" She laughs and runs off. I run after her, not knowing where on earth she is leading me.

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