The Tour

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Omniscient POV:

Bastian holds the door for Lucy as they walk out of the School Administration Building and into the breezeway.

"Why thank you," Lucy says nervously. She realizes that she and a boy that she just met are alone. Where to first??? she thinks to herself.

Lucy and Bastian begin to walk down the walkway, awkwardly progressing with a few feet of space between them.

Bastian clears his throat as he notices that Lucy is leading him aimlessly. "So, uh, where to first?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as they continue to wander at their slow pace.

Lucy thinks about where they should go, still indecisive, comes to a conclusion, and replies, "Well, maybe we could start with the main high school building." Lucy begins to walk at a normal pace and Bastian quickens his to match.

"Sounds good to me," Bastian says, exhaling the fading summer air. "This isn't such a bad campus. I think I'll like it here," he continues, bittersweet. He thinks it necessary that he should withhold the fact that he is going to be leaving at the end of the school year.

Lucy takes a turn into a building with a double door entrance. Bastian follows and then skips ahead of Lucy in time to hold the door once again. Lucy blushes a little. No guy she has ever met has been so sweet as to even hold the door once, but twice? It's sad, but, in these parts, it's rare.

They walk into the building, there is a lounge in the center of the foyer with purple cushioned seats and desks for studying. There's a school café to the side with hours from 3:00pm, when school gets out, to 11:59pm, when the campus closes.

Bastian inquires, "Why do they have a café? I thought that only colleges and universities had school cafés. I'm not complaining, but I just think it's odd."

Lucy answers, "Well, students like to hang after school and many of them will be here here, studying, doing homework, grabbing a bite to eat. It's for convenience."

Bastian nods approvingly. "Cool," he says, continuing to look around. Lucy leads Bastian down the hall and shows him a few classrooms and the basic layouts of the rooms. Then they reach the science lab.

"This is our lab. We usually use it for Chemistry and sometimes Biology, but mostly just Chemistry," Lucy explains, showing Bastian the lab tables and how the chairs go so high.

At one point, Lucy spins a chair and it hits Bastian in the gut. "Are you okay?" she asks frantically. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to–"

Lucy is cut off by Bastian laughing. It's funny when she gets worried, Bastian thinks to himself. Lucy punches him in the shoulder but Bastian continues to laugh. But he starts to cease his laughing as he backs up towards the door.

However, his perception is off and he triggers the fire alarm. Lucy let's out a small scream as water fans out all over them from the spouts in the ceiling. "Oh my god!" she yells over the sound of the water. "You totally meant to do that you jerk!" She bumps into Bastian purposefully as she runs out the lab door.

"What!? No I didn't!" he yells back as he chases after her. He catches up quickly and does what he can to shield her from the water. Bastian runs backwards in front of her and starts to slow down. "Why on earth would I do that!?" he shouts at her as they stop in the middle of the hallway.

"Maybe for the same exact reason that you laughed at me when I was trying to help you!" Lucy spits back.

"Well I didn't need your help!" Bastian shouts at her.

"Good! Because it's not for you!" Lucy yells at him. She then walks around him and begins to walk quickly towards the exit. Lucy doesn't care about the water anymore; she is already fully saturated; she just wants to get away from Bastian. She opens the exit door and Bastian runs after her again.

The door closes behind them and he stops her on the sidewalk outside, holding her with both hands on her shoulders. "Look. I'm sorry I laughed at you earlier. I just thought it was sweet how you cared and.. I will admit I did think it was kind of funny how you were panicking, but in a cute way," Bastian says to her, looking right into her eyes.

Puddles were already forming on the sidewalk from the water dripping from their sopping wet hair down to their drenched socks. Lucy stands on her tip toes and gives Bastian a damp kiss on the cheek. Then she walks away, her dad already pulled up and waiting for her.

But Bastian doesn't notice any of that. He simply feels the trace her cherry lips on his face, mouth open slightly. He turns to say something else, but she is gone.

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