6~ A Match

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M a b e l l a  /  M a b e l

"How did we get on earth?" I asked as we pulled away from the bush.
"Well I'm gonna guess that this is where Alcor decided to put his hideout." Paz replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"Bill owns this dimension so he can just come and get us can't he?" I thought aloud.
"No he can't. He doesn't know we're here dingbat." She snapped. I flushed with rage.
"I think when we get back I'm going to have your head on a platter." I growled. Paz glared at me.
"If you want to get back you'll make sure I return with my head." She threatened softly. I took a deep breath and nodded.
Suddenly I noticed a strange necklace on her. It had fallen out of her amour. My blood went cold.
"What is your problem now!" Paz snapped angrily. Her look of anger turned to shock when I lunged at her chest, reaching for the necklace.
"What are you doing!" She yelled out swinging at me. I didn't stop until my fingers latched onto the cool sliver pendant. I yanked back with such force that it sent me falling away from her. Paz gave me a look of confusion but her fingers danced around her neck and the missing pendant.
"Why you little-" She started, making her way towards me, her sword in hand.
"Wait! Just wait!" I yell, fumbling to get the page from that strange journal. Unfolding it, I beckon her over.
"Where did you get this?" I ask calmly.
"Since I was created." She answered giving me a strange look. I pull mine off my neck and show her.
"They are the same metal and size." I explain.
I sigh and push the page into her hand. It takes a moment for it to sink in.
"These symbols.... They're like yours and mine." Paz remarked suspiciously.
"Exactly! I think that the ones who wear these other necklaces.. Maybe they know something about our past, maybe we're all connected in some way!" I theorize, excitedly. Paz is quiet for a moment.
"I don't remember anything from my past and I don't know my Creator, it could be possible." She relented.
We stared at the page and the strange wheel.
"Isn't that Bills demonic form?" Paz asked, pointing to the triangle in the center. I nod.
"Why didn't you ask him?" She demands.
"I don't know." I reply sheepishly. She didn't argue because I knew she had the same feeling I did. This wasn't to be shared with Bill.

A l c o r / D i p p e r

Well they aren't as dumb as they look.

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