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The first time Vera met Carson Miller, the girl had pistol whipped Lukas and tried to hit her round the head with said pistol.

They'd been coming heading to the city, going back to raid Lukas' and her apartment, seeing if they could scavenge their next meal or two. They wouldn't risk it, if not for the fact that no suckers could get into their building when they were alive so they thought maybe they also couldn't get in now they're dead. The only trouble was the city, it was the worst off- they knew that. The highway they were making their way down at the moment was completely clear, and Vera had forgotten the fact the world was overrun by biters. She'd picked up that name from some fucker she'd shot after he mocked she couldn't. That was a bad day, the day she realized she would shoot a man for a fucking can of tomato soup. She did feel good for it though, bastard had it coming to him for clinging onto misogyny. Who had the time for that shit in this world?

Even the edges of the city were ridiculous; Atlanta was not a safe place to be, despite Lukas' repetition of saying it wasn't too bad. She took down what must've have been her 20th walker in 10 minutes. They turned the corner and stopped in their tracks, she couldn't count how many dead there were and she didn't want to. She felt the small tug on her sleeve from her friend and they'd crossed the road to the other side so they could hide behind the next building. There was alley way up from there that seemed to be blocked off by a huge van, one that also seemed to be blocking off the biters and Vera knew if they got behind there, they'd be safe. She sighed, the only thing was that it would be tremendously difficult to get to that safety. She turned to Lukas, her decision made, and he looked back at her with a pained expression. "Would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit?" He asked in full seriousness, and Vera replied with a small snort in amusement.

They started making their way forward; quick, light steps as to not disturb the dead. They didn't seem to notice them, looking down at herself, Vera realised she'd been covered in biter blood due to taking them out, and when she glanced at Lukas, he had the same thing. She dropped to the floor in front of the van, then shuffled under it, coming out the other side, getting up before looking under again, seeing Lukas repeating her steps and shuffling under the van. He got out the other side and smiled, before a gun came outta nowhere and pistol whipped him. Vera then knew it was coming and grabbed the arm that came towards her, freezing the flying black hair, before head butting the stranger- knocking her out. She realized that might have been a mistake, as now she had to carry two people to safety, not wanting this random person's death on her already blood covered hands.

She grabbed their collars and pulled once before she was disturbed by yelling directed in her direction. She looked up to see some Asian kid running at her with a panicked look on her face. "Did you kill them?" He looked at her with a terrified expression so in return she gave him an incredulous one. "Course not," she snapped back, she nodded to her hands which were dragging the bodies and the boy seemed to realised she might actually need a bit of help. He rushed forward, grabbing the woman, which seemed fair as he probably knew her, and she clung on to Lukas, hoping she didn't graze him too badly as she pulled him further into the alley and down into what seemed like a car park or something. To be honest, she didn't care really what it was, as long as it kept her and her friend safe from the biters. The Korean then pushed a door and pulled the dark haired woman through the door, trying to hold it for Vera, but it wasn't too difficult to get herself and Lukas. The boy pulled them into the next room to the one they originally come in to, and then he seemed to relax.

"Your name?" He breathed, putting his hand out.

"Vera, Vera Feranchio. You?" She smiled slightly, taking his hand.

"Glenn Rhee," He returned. Vera nodded and then looked down at the unconscious people at her feet. She slightly nudged her friend with her foot, sighing when he groaned slightly. The girl came awake all of a sudden, unlike Lukas who just lay on the floor not even wanting to come around. She instantly went for her holster but her gun was missing, and her eyes shot to Vera, who held the pistol in her hands- triumphant smirk on her face. A brief moment of panic spread across her face til she looked at Glenn who seemed to be at ease. "Glenn, what the hell?" She hissed, putting her eyes back on the strangers to her, seemingly more relaxed now she knew her partner was not panicking- but still on edge.

"My name's Vera, and this is Lukas. We're just tryna head to our old apartment. We don't mean any trouble," The woman on the floor still looked skeptical, but begun to rise to a stand, and then leaned on the counter behind her. Vera watched her quick eyes scan the two, and she was heavily impressed. She knew what she was doing.

She'd come to the realisation that only some people were made for this world. She knew she was, letting out pent out frustration through violence was already a thing she practiced. Her ability to mourn quickly, that certainly helped. She had quick thinking skills and was a good manipulator to make people follow her ways and she was a person that enjoyed solidarity. Those weeks she spent in her apartment alone when the world had gone to shit, might have been the most peaceful in her life.
Lukas had surprisingly risen up. She had known him as a lazy kid, a guy that lives off their parent's money and never does much by himself. He was never cruel to anyone, and was rather witty, which is why him and Vera had gotten on so well in the first place. The reason she had thought him dead so quickly, was due to the fact she didn't think he could make it. Though he had told her, the days before he ran into her, he had been alone for almost all of them. He'd been on the run nearly constantly, only stopping for nights of if he found really good shelter, but that never lasted long anyway. Vera's father had told her, if you have something good, there's always gonna be some asshole trying to take it. Always.

It seemed like this is what idea the woman standing across from her had. She had her hand placed on her holster, despite their being nothing there. It seemed a comfort to her. "My names Carson Miller, call me by my first or last- I don't care." Vera nodded and smiled, amused. Miller then kicked Lukas' leg, to which he groaned at again. "What a pussy," she sighed.

a/n all my golden trio have met I'm so pumped now

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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Goddess [NEGAN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang