"You've got to explain the lack of memory," Lucifer says.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Mary asks.
"Well, an angel named Anna was going to kill you guys before Sam could be born, so Cas brought us back there again and we tried to stop it. Sam ended up dying and Dad got possessed by Michael."

"I was possessed by an angel?" John repeats.

"Yes, sir."

"You were my only vessel besides Adam in a long, long time," Michael tells him. "Which is why yours is the body I appear in now."

"I thought you looked familiar," John admits. "I just didn't realize it was me."

"Hey, let's tell more stories!" Lucifer says excitedly. "Like when you guys tried to kill me with the Colt? That was fun!"

"That was not fun," Sam replies. "Ellen and Jo died."

"Exactly. And what did you get again? Oh yeah. Nothing."

"Yeah, but us humans, we're the bad ones," Jo says sarcastically.

Lucifer shoots her a glare, his eyes flaring red for a moment before he decides she's not worth the effort.

"Jo, stop annoying Lucifer," Dean advises her. "He'll kill you without a second thought."

"No, he won't," Jo says confidently.

"I think you overestimate my mercy," Lucifer says.

"I think you underestimate your dad," Jo replies.

"He can't hold us here forever," Lucifer says. "And the first thing I do when he stops controlling me is kill you, slowly and painfully."

It's clear by his tone that he's not joking, and a look of fear passes over Jo because she knows that he can, and he won't hesitate to. She hides it quickly, not wanting him to get the satisfaction of seeing her fear.

"Lucifer, stop threatening people," Michael says in a bored tone.

"Since when do you care if I threaten people?" Lucifer asks, annoyed.

"Since we got stuck here with them."

"Fair enough," Lucifer agrees, though he's unlikely to do it again. Lucifer looks around the room, just now realizing something is off. "Where's the punching bag?"

"What punching bag?" Gabriel asks.

"Adam," Michael says, knowing immediately what Lucifer means.

"And Meg and Red are gone, too," Lucifer observes. "And Adam's angel. Alfie, or whatever."

"I didn't see any of them leave," Sam says, confused.

"They probably snuck out while we weren't looking," Dean says, and he's correct.


"See?" Samandriel says with a smile, sitting with Adam in an empty bedroom. He flew them out while everyone was watching Gabriel leave, and if anyone noticed, they didn't mention it. "They didn't hurt you."

"They're different," Adam observes.

"Different? How?" Samandriel asks curiously.

"They fight each other. They didn't fight each other in Hell."

"Really?" Samandriel says in surprise. "I would have thought they'd be tearing each other's throats out."

"No, they worked together," Adam tells him. "After Sam left. They would work together to hurt me, every second of every day until Michael finally broke down. After that, Lucifer left him alone and just went after me."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Samandriel says sympathetically.

He's glad Adam is finally opening up with him, and he's glad that Adam is able to talk about the cage now. He just doesn't know how much Adam is willing to share, so he doesn't want to push. If Adam wants to keep talking, he can.

"They're very different," Adam says. "Michael, he would throw me around the cage. It hurt, a lot, but it was bearable. At least, compared to what Lucifer would do. He loved to throw me around too, but he's also mess with my mind. Make me see things that weren't there. Make me believe things that weren't true. Usually they were bad things, things I didn't want to see. But sometimes they were nice, and I was happy. And then he'd shatter the illusion, and I'd be back in the cage. It was worse than anything Michael did.

"Michael liked physical torture, but Lucifer liked mental torture. His was true torture. He always knew exactly what to do to break me. It was almost better with both of them together, because Michael would get his fun, and it meant Lucifer couldn't do anything elaborate because Michael wanted his punching bag back.

"That's all I was to him; a punching bag. I was there for him to take out his frustrations on. Sam was his for a while, too, back when Lucifer had to readjust to the cage. But by the time Sam was gone, Lucifer was ready to get creative, and Michael was ready to help.

"Michael broke my soul, and Lucifer broke my mind. I know that. I know I'm different, broken. I wish I could fix myself, but I can't. I'm not strong like Sam and Dean. I may have been born into the Winchester family, but I'm not like them. I wasn't raised like them, trained like them. I wasn't prepared for this type of life. I just want it to be over, you know?"

Adam looks at Samandriel, suddenly regretting saying all that. What if the angel thinks he's being ridiculous? But it's clear he doesn't. Samandriel looks back at him with sorrow in his eyes.

"It's okay," Samandriel assures him. "You've been through a lot. You're stronger than you know, Adam. Not a lot of people would be back to talking already, not after that long with two angry archangels."

"But I can't talk to people," Adam says. "Besides you, I can barely talk to anyone."

"Then I guess I'll just have to stick around so you always have someone to talk to."


"What are we doing?" Charlie asks softly as Meg pulls her away by the wrist.

"Getting out of here," Meg replies quietly.

Charlie follows her, not that she has a choice, until suddenly, Meg pulls her into an empty bedroom and shuts the door.

"Much better," Meg says with a smirk.

"Why?" Charlie asks cautiously, not wanting to get her hopes up.

"Because when we're out there, someone would interrupts me when I do this."

Charlie doesn't have time to think about all the bad things this could mean before Meg pushes her against the wall, kissing her. Charlie kisses her back, quick and wild. She can feel Meg smile against her lips, and she has to smile back. She had her doubts when she came back to life, but this right here makes it totally worth it.

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