He's mine

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"MOM!!!!!!" I screamed ever so loudly, tears streaming down my face.

''Mom...I'm sorry! Please?! Please, come back?! Mom!!!" I cry out as darkness surrounds me, the air becoming so cold its suffercating as I brake down, on my knees, the darkness consuming me.

"EREN WAKE UP, DAMN YOU!" I hear Jean yelling in my ear causing me to jump up, resulting us to hit heads.

"Ow, shit!" I blurt out rubbing my now aching forehead

"No kidding, hard head!"

"Sorry.." I mumbled avoiding eye contact, looking out into nothing, my thoughts trying to consume me

"Hey are you okay Jaeger?" Jean asked snapping me back into reality

"Yeah..just had a bad dream.." Which was sadly true but I'd never tell anyone about my mom...never. He then gives me a weird look before adding:

"Okay well then get your ass dressed, we're going to be late for school."

(Time skip)

"Yes Lunch! I'm starving!" Sasha shouts excitingly hurting my ear drums but I decicded not to say anything this time since for once I am starving as well.

"Hey guys, I'm going to my locker first..save me a seat."

"Want me to go with you?" One of my closest best friends Armin asked but I politely declined his offer before leaving the three of them. As I'm walking to my locker I happened to notice Jean and the guys he hangs out with staring at me. I decided to ignore them, not really in the mood to put up with Jean's shit.

*Levi's Prov*

"Woah who is that little cutie?" Petra asked walking to the group of guys. I glare at her mumbling "He's mine"

"What was that Levi?" She cocked her head looking at me with a hint of a smirk

"Nothing.." I replied intensively glaring at her.

"He's one of my mom's best friend's son. He lives with us. His name is Eren Jaeger." Jean answered her question.

"I'm going to go talk to him" She drags out her words, smirking at me before walking over to him. I know what she is doing..she's trying to make me jealous when she knows his ass is mine. Every part of his body is mine. He just doesn't know it yet. Now don't be getting the wrong idea, I just want sex not a relationship.....But I will admit I am jealous. I don't want anyone talking to him or touching him but me. All I can think about sometimes is what that pretty little mouth of his can do or him moaning my name as I slowly make him beg for me, longing for my touch, for the relief, begging to cum as I take my precious time torching him until he can't take it anymore finally getting to-

"Fuck no." I blurt out snapping from my thoughts when I see her touching him.

*Eren's Prov*

"Hi, I'm Petra." I turn around seeing some girl standing in front of me beaming. I go to speak when I notice some guy glaring over here watching us.

"Umm...Hi...I'm Eren."

"Oh I know, Jean told me who are."

"You know Jean?" I raise an eyebrow

"I mostly know Levi. The short guy who is glaring at us."

"Oh I see..is he your boyfriend?" I asked looking over her shoulder once more taking more notice in his appearance as I bite my lip, liking what I saw, hoping she would say no. Looking at him almost instantly changed my mood. His eyes were the things I couldn't help but to stare at the most they were a majestic silver blue. I never saw eyes so perfect. Wait. No. No Eren. You never get attach. No. Just no.

"Hahaha no, trust me. I'm for sure not his..type." She laughs shaking her head with a red face.

"Oh..." What does she mean by that???? I think to myself before she puts her hand on my shoulder

"You have something on your shirt" She says once she notices the look on my face as she whipes my shirt off. She almost instantly yanks her hand away like almost out of fear once Levi is next to us. Which in all honesty I don't really blame her. He looks like he's ready to kill someone.

"Ehhhh I'm going to go...." With that Petra was gone before I could even blink. Damn she's that scared of him? Hell I would be too. I turn to look at the smaller guy aside me whose glare was gone but still seemed tense.

"H-hi..I-I-I'm Eren Jaeger..." I embarrassingly stuttered, my face turning a gruesome red as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Eren. Are you alright?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice but yet still had a resting bitch face.

"Y-yeah.....why.." Get a grip on yourself dammit Eren! He's just a normal guy! Who looks like a sex god. Wait! Fuck! No! I lightly start to sweat as I can feel my cheeks heat up more noticing Levi is just staring at me. I stand there quietly not able to move. Fuck it feels like he's staring into my soul or some shit before I see a small smirk form in the corner of his mouth as he got closer causing me to freeze completely, starting to tremble a little but not enough to be noticeable. God the effect he is having on me and yet he's not even touching me. What the hell?!?

"Are you sure about that?" Levi responses snapping me out of my thoughts once more, realising how close he actually was. "Shit.shit.shit.shit! No!" I think to myself, my eyes winding as I feel myself getting a semi hard on. Fuck.

"Y-yes. I-I-I'm s-s-sure.." I stutter out in embarrassment

"Okay." Levi response as he backs away still smirking as if he knows exactly what effect he has on me.

"Hey! Levi!" A blonde guy with a lean muscular frame shouts from across the hall getting his attention. At that moment Levi walks away as if nothing happened. I took this as my chance to leave before embarrassing myself anymore.

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