Smoothies and Dimensions

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"This tastes like my favorite coffee! But they stopped making it years ago! And it tastes even better than I remember!" Ford said sipping the last remains of the drink.

"Dipper calls it an Infinity Smoothy! It tastes like your favorite drink but better!" Mabel said gleefully.

"What's in it Dipper?" Ford asked.

"My secret." Alcor said.

"Aww, come on Dipper!" Mabel whined.

"Nope, not telling." Alcor said smirking.

"Ok everyone ready to go?" Bill asked.

"Wait we haven't even had breakfast!" Mabel said. At this, she and Ford began shoving eggs, bacon and pancakes into their mouths washing it down with a glass of orange juice. Bill, Alcor and Tad just watched while munching on some toast or a muffin. When Mabel and Ford finished eating the ran to quickly brush their teeth which the other demons had already done so. Once they were finished, they ran back to the other demons in the kitchen panting.

"O-ok, now w-we're ready." Ford said panting with Mabel.

"Ok then lets go!" Bill said. He opened a portal and walked through, Alcor, Tad, Ford and Mabel following behind him. When they reached the other side, they were in the Mystery Shack kitchen.

"Um, uncle Bill? We're still in the shack." Mabel said.

"Not quite." Bill said.

"Hey did you here voices?" a female voice said.

"Yeah it's coming from the kitchen." a male voice responded.

"Lets go check it out!"

"No! Pacifica!" the voice said to the feminine one. A girl that looked like a copy of Pacifica, except for the braces, sweater, and skirt, came around the corner. A huge grin came over her face.

"DIPPER YOUR BACK!" Pacifica shouted tackling Alcor into a hug.

"Hey Paz, how are you and Gideon doing?" Alcor asked.

"One sec." she said running out of the room. A few seconds later she pulled a boy just like Gideon from around the corner. He was dressed in clothes like Dipper used to wear except he had white hair and pale skin, just like the Gideon they knew but his hair wasn't done up.

"Hey Dipper! It's been too long!" Gideon said smiling shaking hands with Alcor. He was missing his accent.

"Hey Dip who are your friends besides Tad and Bill?" Pacifica asked.

"I'm Stella Strange. But call me Mabel! I'm Tads daughter." Mabel said shaking Pacificas hand.

"My names Stanford but call me Ford. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ford said.

"Hi! I'm Pacifica Southeast and this is my cousin Gideon Pines." Pacifica said introducing her and her cousin.

"Where's you great uncle Bud?" Bill asked.

"Oh you know, the usual shop lifting at the mart." Gideon said with and eye roll.

"Is Will still at the Tent of Telepathy?" Bill asked. Pacifica and Gideon both nodded their heads.

"He's at a show with Dipper and Mabel Gleeful. They won't be done for another hour." Gideon said.

"I thought I told Burning Tree to be here when we came! That little runts gunna get it." Bill said darkly. Mabel and Ford decided to back up. Alcor on the other hand just face palmed himself.

"Dad, can we please not have a repeat of last time? I get Tyrone doesn't really listen you that much, but it's not his fault he gets so busy with his job. I don't want to see him just like you don't." Alcor said. Bill looked at him and took a calming breath.

"Whose Tyrone?" Ford asked.

"Tyrone is my reverse self. He still goes by Dipper but it's more confusing so we call him Tyrone since that's his real name." Alcor said.

"Fine. But he should know better at this point." Bill mumbled.

"But wait what happened last time?" Mabel asked.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT WILL! JUST BECAUSE HE WORKS FOR YOU DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO ABUSE HIM! THE NEXT TIME I SEE WILL IN THIS CONDITION, I WILL RIP YOUR SOUL FROM YOUR BODY AND HURT YOU LIKE YOU HURT HIM!" Bill shouted demonically, towering over Tyrone. Alcors counter part angrily glared up at Bill, but nodded his head otherwise not wanting to make the demon any angrier. "Just to make sure I make myself clear." Bill said. He snapped his fingers trapping Tyrone in a chair that had him strapped by his head, arms and legs. Bill snapped his fingers again and a small yet sharp and slender blade appeared in his hand. He took the blade and dragged it down the side of Tyrones head, making him flinch in pain. The wound began to bleed. He gripped the chair to the point where his knuckles turned white. When Bill stopped, satisfied with his work, he wiped the blade clean and made it disappear. Reverse Mabel came through the door and saw her brother in the chair with blood streaming from the side of his head.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER?!" she screamed at the demon.

"Just making a point. I'd be quiet and shut it if I were you. Unless you want the same discipline. You don't treat Tad as bad as your 'dearest' brother treats Will. But I would watch yourself." Bill said darkly. Reverse Mabel just glared at him and nodded her head and went to help her brother. By the time she had freed him, Bill was long gone. And so was Alcor.
End of Flashback

"We prefer not to bring it up anymore." Alcor answered. When Ford went to ask further questions, Bill just glared at him, warning him to drop the subject. Thankfully, Ford got the message.

"Well, I guess we just wait." Pacifica said.

Hey guys! I'm gonna try to update some more here and there if I can. Things in the Nightmare realm have been busy. Once again I NEED SOMEONE TO MAKE ART FOR MY BOOK! If your interested send me a sample of your favorite character in the book and I'll let you know what I think. Thanks for all your support guys! See you whenever! And Bill just say it.

Son of Bill Cipher (ON HIATUS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ