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Bella's swimming meat was much more bearable than the boys' soccer game. Mainly because Zoe wasn't conscious for much of it.

Bella had come out triumphant and they were forced to stay longer for the awards. Bella won most of her races and was labelled age-champion in the end. It only added a medal to the rest of her collection thought Zoe. Zoe could get jealous of the things she couldn't do and would unintentionally take it out on her family.

Zoe was now in the car on the ride home, her pestering sister, Bella, beside her. Zoe wasn't in the mood for her energetic sister, she just wanted to get home so she could see her dad.

Zoe was by far a 'daddy's girl'. She loved her father like no other and he was always there to keep her entertained. If there was a soccer game in the backyard she wanted to join, Rodney would take his daughter to her sandpit or treehouse or perhaps the pool to give her something of her own to do. And he was one of the best sandcastle makers in history, or so Zoe thought.

"Zoe," Bella whined. They were still in the car she realised. "It's my turn for the iPad."

Zoe blinked and the screen came into focus. She was playing a stupid, needless game that she hadn't been paying attention to. Despite how she wasn't playing it, she didn't want her sister to have it either. It was still her turn.

"No it's not," Zoe retorted. "I just got on."

It wasn't unusual for the twins to fight. In fact, they were the two who fort the most and it drove their parent's crazy.

"Mum!" Bella whined again. "Zoe's not letting me have my go."

Their mother sighed. Sometimes she wished she had got the best behaving children in the world. "Zoe, you've had enough. Give it to Bella, please."

But Zoe didn't see how that was fair. "But I've only played one game, mum!"

"Zoe." Her mother was getting frustrated. She was trying to keep her concentration on the road and not her squabbling daughters.

"No!" Zoe yelled when Bella went to snatch the device away. Zoe hugged it forcefully to her chest, but Bella was stronger than Zoe and her arms were starting to weaken under the strain.

"Zoe! It's my turn!" Bella yelled back.

Mari wished that her son was here to help. Instead, he had caught a ride with Leon and Luca to avoid having to deal with his tired, naughty sisters.

"Zoe! I won't ask again. If you don't give Bella the iPad you're going straight to your room!"

"I don't care!" Zoe screamed. It was fun in her room anyway!

Their mother sighed again and left her daughters to figure it out themselves. She couldn't afford to lose concentration on a winding road and decided to just deal with them both when she got home.

Bella had yanked on the device so hard that Zoe's whole body jerked at the unexpected release. Her head smacked the window hard and a flood of tears poured from her eyes. Her wails and moans and cries were ignored by her happy sister and distracted mother who didn't know her child was crying in pain.

It was not Zoe's day.

When they finally reached home, Zoe refused to get out of the car. She didn't want to do anything her mother told her to do. With a huff, Mari took Bella by the hand and walked to the house while scolding her. She would deal with her other daughter when she wasn't being so disobedient.

Zoe was still folded up in the car when Hollie's car pulled up in the driveway. She didn't know why her sister was here but it didn't matter in the moment. Zoe leapt out of the car and ran straight for her big sister. She crashed into Hollie's legs and nearly tipped them both sideways.

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