Chpt 1

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Chapter one:stop this feeling.


Dylan had seduced more girls in this school than a boy of discretion would admit and I heard that he would leave his play girls broken and hurt, but still if Dylan was to snap his fingers all the girls he had shattered both emotionally and physical would fall and beg at his feet.

Including me, if I didn't think thrice.

There was something about him, or more than that I saw in him even with all those tattoos and piercing. I still couldn't control the feeling I've felt since when we were in fifth grade.

I mean I have tried to stop the feeling, but It's just like trying to quench a fire with more gasoline. The way I feel when he would pass by me without noticing my existence and still my heart would still jump with joy.

How stupid. I mean I wish he didn't affect me this way like my best friend Ariana.

That girl hated him more than period cramps. Eh, I still don't know why.

Dylan appearance alone would leave the boys amused including my other best friends, Michael and Jesse. I loved those boys to the moon and back even though they could be stupid at times. I get that Michael admired Dylan because yes he's gay but that doesn't give jesse the audacity to.

They don't make it easier for me to forget that Dylan is existing.. They talk about him nonstop and about the girls he had screwed and oh trust me they go in to details. Full details.

Sometimes I think It's just to frustrate me.

Dylan spoke Infrequently and then only select those he wishes to talk to and spoke his mind freely not caring if he shocked anyone. How I know this is because of how intensely I had studied him from the start that I knew he existed.

Dylan behaviour infuriated certain boys but who could blame them?

"Earth to Samantha" Jesse rang in to my ears making me twitch a little bit.

"You don't need to scream puppy" I scold, which makes me earn a face that is supposed to be a scowl.

"Don't call me a puppy, just because I'm cute... "

Here we go again...

"Where's Ariana" I asked shutting him up. I mean.. I know Jesse is hot and all, and definitely a girl's magnet but sometimes he needed to shove it all his ass and take a hike.

He smirked. "totally bitching out where ever she is" He shrugs

I raised my hand to swat him on his arm glaring at him.. Why the hell would he leave Ariana for God's sake bitching out on her own, that girl could get harsh and possibly hurt herself and whoever is around her and a fucking billon mile away from her. 

Ariana was bipolar. Nobody knew except from me and her family, she  took her pills to reduce... her behaviour swings but lately it seemed they didn't work for her. Last weekend she almost ripped her hair out just because she found out that I was planning a birthday party at our dorm.

"What the fuck Sam?" He pouted adjusting himself on the chair of the coffee shop

"Please tell me you know where she is" I pleaded my eyes focusing on the grey ones in front of me.

"Just chill. Fuck... I don't know why you're being a bitch now.. She just turned eighteen so stop acting like her mum" he picked up a fry shoving it up his throat that I so much wanted to strangle.

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