Chapter Two

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-Chapter Two-

With my purple luggage in hand, I walked out of the airport to a crowd of smiling people holding signs with people's names of them. Scanning quickly, my eyes caught a sign that read Arabelle Walters. I walked up to the person holding the sign who happens to be a middle-aged man who's starting to show some gray on his brown hair. He had thick rimmed glasses and wore a green button shirt with black vest and dress pants.

"Ah you must be Arabelle Walters. Hello, I'm the head Butler here to fetch you for Madame Harrison," the man holding the sign said intruducing himself.

"Uh... h-hello," I managed to sputter out. I was awestrucked because I have never met a butler! I just feel so professional being seen with one, even though he's not my butler, but no one else at the airport knows that!

Gathering up my courage I politely smiled back at the butler and said, "Um nice to meet you..." I couldn't figure out what to call him! He just said he's the head butler. Should I call him Mister? Mister Butler? Head Butler!?

As if noticing my problem, the head butler kindly smiled and replied, "James. Butler James. Shall we make our way to the limo Miss Walters?"

Nodding in reply, we made our way out of the airport to a parked white limo. A chauffer stood there smiling at us and tipping his hat.

"Hello Miss Arabelle Walters. I'm Henry and I'll be your personal chauffer."

Wh-what? I have a personal chauffer? I know I have a full scholarship, but I didn't think this special treatment was part of the package. Headmistress Harrison has some explaining to do.

Butler James put my luggage in the trunk as Henry opened the door and waited patiently for me to go in.

Entering the limo, the smell of cinnamon surrounded me. I turned to the source of the smell to find a plate of streaming cinnamon buns there! Wait, who knew cinnamon buns were my favorite? Of course Headmistress Harrison planned all of this. Man she's good, she's already on my good side.

Enjoying the cinnamon buns during the ride, I also preoccupied myself by listening to music on my phone. As Stacy's Mom came on, I remember I had to call my mom once I landed in Seattle. Whoops.

Quickly pausing the music and taking my wireless earbuds off, yes I have wireless earbuds they cost all of my sweet sixteen birthday money but it was worth it, I frantically dialed my mom's cell phone number.

Three rings later she answered, "Sweetie! Hello! I miss you already. Oh, before you tell me anything there's something important I forgot to mention before you left."

After giving a short greeting to my mom, she continued on with what she has to say.

"Sweetie! It turns out the headmistress of that academy you're going to is one of my closest friends! I'm so glad to send you there knowing you're safely in Taylor's care now! Oh and I also asked her to let you stay at her house instead of a dorm because I heard how dangerous those dorms can get..." She trailed off, it's like I can feel her winking at me from across the country.

I pretended to listen to her as she rambles on about her high school experience and how she's so happy to have friends with connections, aka Taylor, aka Headmistress Harrison. I gave her an occasional "uh huh" and "yep" to let her know I'm still on the phone. Instead I'm staring out the window as the limo drives by a small town then entering a deep forest.

Huh, I thought, I'd have to remember to check out this small town in the future.

Finally, we reached a large two story house. It was a classic victorian from-the-1800s looking house with mahogany colored walls. As Butler James went to grab my luggage, Henry opened the door for me and handed me a note with a phone number.

"Call me if you need a ride," he said winking. "Oh, and to the right you can see the top of the academy and right behind it are the two dormitory buildings. Left side for girls, right side for guys. But I'm sure you won't really need to know that since you're staying at the Harrison's mansion."

I stare at him in confusion with my head tilted to the side. I'm staying at this mansion instead of all the other students that are staying in the dorm rooms? How come I hadn't been informed about this!? Moments later I remembered my mom telling me why I was staying there instead of the dorms. Then it all came back.

I turned to Henry to say thanks and goodbye, but instead found the white limo driving away. There, stood Butler James holding my luggage by the door and gesturing me to walk inside.

I sighed, making my way to the door and muttered to myself, "Mrs. Harrison and mom have a lot of explaining to do."

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