Gray flinched when the locomotive shop of piercings aka Gajeel came way too close to him and stared at him.

"Definitely not a chick." He commented, standing back.

Gray heaved a sigh of relief when the wild looking man was away from him.

"Hey," Natsu spoke up.

Gray felt as if he was gonna puke his damn blood pumping motor out. Natsu. Shirtless. Period.

'Calm down you fucking beating organ and just do your bloody work. Well...literally.'

"Who are you?" the pinkie dead panned.

Gray just wanted to slap the fuck outta him. That idiot, couldn't he just mind his own business.

"Oi! Speak up na!" Sieglain popped up from behind.

All of them were huddling around his poor self, making him even stuffier than he already was.

"Stop harassing the poor soul you brats. Get your lazy asses moving, the game is gonna start in a few." Gildarts came to the rescue of the not-so-little mascot. The players went away grumbling about how they had placed bets on the identity of the mascot and such.

Once the team was out in the field, Gildarts helped the black head up. "How's your foot Gray?" he questioned. This morning when Gray had reported, his foot wasn't in its finest shape at all. The swelling was increasing and the skin was starting to turn a little bluish on some parts. But the idiot only had one thing on his mind...

"To get that vacation I am willing to do absolutely anything. This is nothing at all." Gray replied, motioning towards his foot.

"Fine. Well come on then, we need to go out."

"Ya 'kay!"


Gray was sitting in his place which was a throne made from everything flowery and, dare he say, girly.

'Think about the vacation...this will be over soon...positive thoughts Gray...think positive.' Gray said to himself. Just then a whistle was blown, signaling that it has been another goal by FT High. He immediately sprang into action, waving his hands and cheering loudly, "YESHH! GO FAIRY TAIL! BEAT THE DRIPPING HELL OUT OF THOSE RAVEN BAT-SHITS!"

"Woah, this is the first time I have encountered a cursing mascot." Ultear commented, sitting beside the fairy.

"ULTE-!" Immediately a hand was clamped down on his mouth, err...the fairy head's mouth.

"Shut up you idiot." Lyon scolded him, removing his hand. He plopped down on a chair beside Ultear's, munching on a few cookies.

"What are you guys doing here!?"

"You used another interro-!"

"Shut up Lyon!"


"I am NOT a meanie! You are!"

"No! You are!"

And the two continued bickering. Ultear was gonna smack them upside the head if not for a certain strawberry blonde to come bounding towards them.

"Fairy-chan! Have you noticed the looks a certain goal keeper had been sending you?" he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Who wouldn't? The school's reputed mascot just cursed loudly in front of two whole fucking schools." Ultear stated, stealing some chips from the albino beside her.

"Hey! They are mine!" Lyon complained but he was ignored by the others.

It was another 30 mins filled with bickering and the 'fairy' cursing when it was Gray's cue to perform the jump.

"Good luck kid, I know you can do it." Gildarts encouraged him, clapping his back not-so-lightly. Gray could only nod, suddenly nervous. He mentally beat himself for agreeing to this nonsense. His nerves were getting all jittery. All kinds of 'what ifs' were roaming around his head, making his limbs wobble.

"Go on brat, show 'em what I've taught you! Fighting!" Laxus cheered, pushing the male towards the cheer girls' squad.

Gray nodded to himself and readied to perform his jump. He ran towards the girls ready to catch him and jumped with all his might. The adrenaline pumping through his veins pumped him up even more.

Gildarts and Laxus were looking at him with bated breath while Makarov was near biting his whole fingers off.

Loke was consistently cheering, Lyon was gaping open mouthed, Ultear and Jellal were just being as normal as they could while sitting next two those two dorks.

Gray was mentally cheering, his job was done. He was only supposed to make the perfect jump, like a ballerina, and he did, now the girls had to just catch him before he falls face first on the ground. 'You did it Gray!'

The girls, as told, grabbed the flying fairy from its foot and arms before lifting him on top of the pyramid they had formed.

Scared, that was what Gray felt. He could feel himself losing his balance but he needed to be strong, especially since a certain pinkie was staring at him.

Natsu was looking at the mascot, his mind buzzing to guess the identity of this person. After all he had his food at stake.

Sting and Eric were standing beside the goal keeper when they noticed something fishy.

"Hey, that guy's face looks like a fish!" Eric exclaimed, laughing.

"Shut up you idiot! Look closely..." Sting said, smacking the other's shoulder before returning his attention to the 'fishy' guy. "Is that guy supposed to be with the ball?" he questioned to nobody in particular.

Natsu followed their line of vision and saw a member of Raven Tail High's team aiming at the pyramid.

"Wait a sec..." Natsu mumbled, suddenly realizing what that dude was trying to attempt. "HEY! LOOK OUT!" he yelled when the RT guy kicked the ball with full force.

Gray was confused when the guy of his dreams (he won't admit it in front of others, not even the guy in question) suddenly yelled. He turned his head lightly only to feel a strong force collide with his back, making him lose his balance and start to free fall from top of the pyramid.


Halloa people! Guess what!? I updated! YAAAYYY! As I had said, I have all the chappies pre-written and by chance, my father forgot his dongle at home...MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Reviews keep me happy! So please~

Interrobang-ish Mascot [FairyTail] [NatRay or whatevs u wanna call it...]Where stories live. Discover now