Puns pt Two Continuing

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Yuuri: ...

Victor: Water you saying?

Yuuri: I am this close to kicking you out

Victor: Shell I stop then?

Yuuri: I'm done *goes into room and locks door*

Victor: *from other side* Hello from the other siiiide

Yuuri: ...That has nothing to do with the ocean, Victor -_-

Victor: Want me to go back to the ocean puns then?

Yuuri: .....Go away

Victor: I didn't hear a no!

Yuuri: I hate you

Victor: I guess I'll go krill myself then.

Victor: I fish you'd answer me ❤

Victor: Are you sand about these puns?

Victor: I promise they won't be as Pacific

Victor: Whale, I guess you're not gonna say anything

Victor: Anyway, water you doing in there?

Victor: I guess you're not answering. Maybe I should tide-y up the place.

*Victor leaves and comes back later*

Victor: What did one river say to the other?

Yuuri: T_T

Victor: I'm gonna make you walk the plankton.

Victor: Are you tide of these puns? Because I understand after a whale they got annoying. I think it's on porpoise though.

Victor: ...

Victor: What did one volcano say to the other volcano? 

Victor: I lava you~ ❤

Yuuri: Go away, you dork.

Btw I got this from a thingy I found on google images no I was just like 'Hmm' But I changed it up a bit.

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