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Max's POV

When I saw her my heart jumped. She was shoved into the guest office by Ross. I understand how he didn't know I was in there. When she saw me I saw a light pink blush appear on her face. Adam ran to Ross when he screamed and she jumped on his back.
"Hey! Get off! Max I swear if this is you!" He yelled and she got off. He grabbed her in a hug and said, "I knew you were gonna work here but I didn't know you were coming today!" I freaked out for no reason when I heard that.
   "Wait! She working here?!" I yelled and I saw her back up. She looked scared as she said, "Y-yeah I am." She stuttered, it was cute. When I saw how scared she looked I calmed down and looked at the floor.
   "What is her job gonna be?" I asked the floor.
"Editing. I guess you could help her out, huh max?" Adam said and chuckled. I looked at her and nodded.
Adam grabbed her arm and ran off. I laughed and saw her friend. She had Bff/H/C (bffs hair color) hair and bff/E/C (bffs eye color) eyes. She was sharing an office with Tim. Cool.

-Time skip brought to you by Mad Max-

When Adam ended I saw her looking around our office. She giggled at the sight of Lil' David. I walked in and leaned against the door frame. Her name was Y/N.
"Ehem," I cleared my throats and she turned around. I continued talking, "So we are sharing an office?" She nodded and backed towards her desk.
   "I'm Max. Nice to meet you. I heard your name is Y/N, right?" I asked as I held my hand out. She nodded and shook my hand without saying anything. She gulped and stepped back again, bumping into her desk.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" I asked as a joke. She giggled and her face turned red. Damn! She's so adorable. 
   "Sorry. I'm kinda nervous," she said and I sat at my desk. We talked until the end of the day. She is so interesting.

   When I got home I laid down on my bed and thought about the day. She's so cute and I like her, but she's Red's sister. I can't like my friends sister...

Editors Love Story (Mithzan/Max x Reader) ~Taking A Break~Where stories live. Discover now