"My fault?!" Kija panicked, "Was it my fault?!"

"Some big brother you are..." Fubuki muttered, "Do something before he actually dies!"

Seeing Seiryuu climb out of the water, Fubuki rushed over to lend a hand. Passing his mask, Fubuki helped Seiryuu up and returned the rest of his belongings.

Noticing a fish in his hands, a lightbulb went off in Fubuki's mind. "Seiryuu? Is that for Kija?"

Seiryuu nodded, walking towards Kija. "Eat this...and get better..."

"Could this be...your way of saying thank you?" Kija asked, gladly accepting Seiryuu's offer.

Unfortunately, after fishing, Seiryuu immediately felt the cold through his clothes. Small note, wet clothes spells hypothermia in the wilderness.

"What are you going to do now, White Snake?" Hak pointed out, "He's freezing now."

"Is it my fault?!" Kija cried.

Taking out a small towel from her bag, Fubuki strode towards Seiryuu, who was still shivering. Smiling at him, she took the towel and began wiping off as much water as possible from his clothes.

"You're such a nice boy, but please do not run away in silence." Fubuki smiled. ""It would be bad if you caught a cold out here."

"Seiryuu." Yun joined in on the conversation. "You knew quite well that the river was here."

Seiryuu point at his eyes, which were obviously covered by his mask.

"Oh, very interesting!" Yun commented. "It's because those eyes have the ability to see far into the distance."

"He caught the fish quite quickly as well." Fubuki added, drying off Ao who was caught in the splash zone. "He must also excel in depth perception."

"Is it true that we'll turn into stone if we look into your eyes?" Yun questioned.

Seiryuu shook his head.

"Is that so..." Yun pondered. "Then why don't you take off your mask?

"Hey, before that," Yona interjected, crouching down to Seiryuu's level. "Let's start a fire to warm Seiryuu up, and cook the fish he caught."


"Miso hotpot? It looks great!" Hak grinned, looking over their dinner. "Where did you get ahold of all those ingredients?"

Yun began spooning Hak's share of dinner. "I traded medicine in Seiryuu's village."

"Oh no!" Yona cried, poking at her dinner with a spoon. "Bugs are drowning in the pan!"

"Then save them." Yun stated.

"Or not." Fubuki shrugged. "The more protein, the better."

"...bugs?" Kija shuddered in his bedding.

Looking around, Yona looked at the make-shift clothesline. "So Seiryuu's clothes haven't dried yet?"

"Yeah...even so..." Yun started, looking at Seiryuu. Holding onto his share of the miso hot pot, Seiryuu wore his fur as a substitution for his wet clothes. Resembling a ball of fluff, Ao perched onto of his head.

"What kind of demon is that?" Hak joked.

"This group is becoming more and more diverse." Yun sighed.

"Do not say that!" Kija cried. "It is my fault Seiryuu has become like that. He must feel humiliated!"

"Seiryuu, you should start eating otherwise Ao won't leave anything left for you." Fubuki sweat-dropped. "Is the squirrel a meat-eater...?"

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