Chapter 16

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What was the real purpose for everything they did? The fighting, the killing. Was there really no way to stop and ignore differnces in opinion, maybe appearance, and save the lifes and sanity of many people called ninja? Minari had always wondered what the point was. Why do the villages fued? Why do they go to war? Because of some petty difference. And though they might say that the loss of one affects few, the loss of many affects everyone. Minari knew that all to well.

It was a strange feeling for her as she sat in front of Zabuza and Haku's graves. The two people she never thought she would have to say goodbye too...

"Is that really it Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked, kneeled in front of Haku's grave. "Is that the ninja way? To use and be used by people like tools?"

As she stood and walked back to the group, Kakashi gave what he thought would be a suitable answer. "Shinobi are all merely tools in the hands of destiny. No point in wondering whether it's right or wrong. It just is. It's the same in the village hidden in the leaves."

Naruto turned to face his sensei, a saddened expression playing across his features. "Well if you ask me, if that's what being a ninja's all about something's out of whack. Is that why we go through all this training? Just to end up like them?"

"What is the reason for that?" Sasuke asked.

Kakashi sighed as he tried to think of an explanation, but nothing really came. It's one of those life questions that has many answers, but at the same time, has none. "Well," He started. "That's a question without an answer. And that is something we ninja have to deal with everyday of our lives. Like Zabuza... and the kid."

Minari hugged her knees tighter. "But there has to be a better way..."

A better way, Naruto thought. A different way that didn't lead to thoughts like Zabuza and Haku had. A way that had a place for everyone and everyone was looked at as a person, not a tool to be used and tossed aside for a new one once worn. "Okay!" He said, gaining the attention of his team. "I've just come to a decision. From now on, I'm finding my own ninja way. A way that's straight and true and without any regrets. From now on, I'm following the way of Naruto!" The young boys words caught Kakashi by surprise, but he smiled non-the-less at him, proud in a way.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all began the walk back to the village to rest for the night. Tomorrow was the day they would be leaving for Konoha once again. But Kakashi noticed that Minari was still curled up in front of the graves, looking to the sky. No matter how she tried to look like she was alright with Haku and Zabuza's deaths, Kakashi knew she was suffering inside like when Kibrom and Caraki died. He took a seat next to her and leaned back on his hands, enjoying the colors of the setting evening sun.

"How are you holding up?" She only shrugged. "You know Minari, it's okay to be upset. They meant a lot to you and when someone precious is gone it's only natural to grieve. I won't judge you for that."

Minari sniffled a little, know what her Father said was true and leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder and letting a few stray tears fall. "I know." But there was something else that had been eating at her heart since this mission started. And that thought made her tears fall harder and a sob to choke her voice. "I'm so sorry Dad."

"You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Yes I do. I should never have left home. I should have stayed with you and trained in Konoha and stayed away from making the connections I have now. This won't be the last time we leave for a mission and will have to face someone I care about and once called family. I can't take feeling like this, like part of my world has been stolen from me. I should have stayed home with you and we could be a normal family, just you, me, the dogs, and the picture of mom on the table. I'm so sorry Dad."

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