Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Melody's POV

I was bedridden until further notice. I grabbed my game controler and headset. My online friends, BX2047 (Jason), HappyPinkiePie (Mary), and Gamerguyz (Zach and Jonathan. They share the account). "Hey guys!" I said as I connected to the Xbox Live Party and started playing Fallout: New Vegas. "Sup Mel!" They all said at once. "Mel, why haven't you been on for the past few days?" HPP asked. "Had an anxiety attack. Stuck on bed rest." I paused before I yelled into the headset,"AND MY LEGS ARE NUMB!" After that, HPP and BX were laughing. and Zach was silent, probably scared. I was laughing like crazy. "S-Sor-ry Zach." I said, still laughing. I heard someone knock on the door. Dad walked in. "Oh, hey Dad!" "Hi Melody. How are you feeling?" I shut off my headset. "Better, but still a bit dizzy." "That is completely normal." "OK." I turned my headset back on. "Mel, is the static coming from your headset?" "U-Um. I think so. Gotta go!" I shut off the Xbox.

"Daddy, I told you that when I have my headset, you can't be in the room very long. Your static goes through them." "And I remember you telling me that." "Where is everyone?" I asked. The house was silent. "Sally hasn't came out of her room in days, same with Hoody. Nicole and the rest are out killing." "Wait. Mom kills?" "Yeah. She started a few weeks ago." "Hmm.."

I ran to Sally's room. I pounded on the door. She didn't answer. "Sally! Open the door!" I yelled, getting worried. No answer. "Sally!" I yelled louder. Nothing. I turned. "Daddy! Sally isn't answering the door! I'm worried!" He came and picked the lock. I opened the door and gasped at what I saw.

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