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6 Months later...

The queen shot up in their bed gasping for air, "Aerys wake up!" she gasps urgently. "Hmm.. Go back to sleep Rhaella it's to early to be up." He says sleepily, she looks at him in bewilderment. "Wake Up!" She says stubbornly hitting his arm, "What? What's wrong?" He gasps tiredly sitting up quickly.

"Now you want to know what's wrong. You didn't seem to care earlier." "Rhaella!" "What!" She snaps angrily, "Why are you awake, and what happened to the bed?" He asks confused, "The baby's coming, that's what!" "Oh, oh! Wait, your not supposed to have the baby for another three months at the least." He states worriedly, she looks at him with tears, "Don't you think I know that? What if we lose her?" she asks brokenly. "Don't cry, besides it'll be a boy." He says, getting a choked laugh back.

He tilts her head back and kisses her forehead, "Don't worry so much. We'll get through this together." He says caressing her cheek gently. Pulling away from her. "Now lets see how far along you are, lean back for me darling." He says pushing the blankets away, while spreading her legs. His eyes widen, and he leans back baffled as he looks at her. "Did you just sleep through the entire thing?! She's practically here already!" He panics, looking around, completely unprepared.

"How's that an issue right now! Ah! Aerys!" She yells gasping in pain. He stares at her as she glares at him in pain, "You know, your right, not an issue right now." He sighs and checks on the baby. "Alright, one big push and you'll have the head out, then your half way there. Come on push!" He encourages her, "Aerys!" she cries and pants, he watches as the head comes out he holds the head up gently. "I'm right here, come on darling your half way there, I have the head. You can do it, I know your tired but she's almost here then the worst will be over. Come on." He says gently, she grunts and swallows back a scream as the baby comes out. He grabs the baby gently and holds her, "We did good, she's beautiful. You were right she's a girl, though I was hoping for another little warrior." He says smiling at his wife.

"Hopefully she'll be a young lady. I already have two little warriors I don't need another." "Well, I think she'll hold a sword just as well as any boy could maybe even better." He says looking at with a love a father could only have for his daughter. "Will you stop doting on her and cut the cord already I want to hold her." She say impatiently, "Alright, hold on." he sighs and holds the baby with one arm as he reaches over to the bedside table and grabs a knife, slices through the cord cleans the baby up with the sheet. "Here, she's strong. Unusual but strong, and healthy." He says unconcerned, as he wipes his hands on a cloth. "What do you mean?" She asks counting fingers and toes, "She's not crying, her ears are pointed as if a blade, her nails strong and sharper than they should be, and her eyes are sharp as well. As I said, she's strong, and beautiful, a desert flower." He states as he watches his wife stand her up and look her over, he sees the rising sun, and looks back seeing silver. "She came with the rising sun, and she's been born with a silver lining and features to match a dragon." "What do you mean, I don't see any silver." she says confused, "Her back darling, it has silver wings. The wings of a dragon! She's a true blooded Targaryen, her name will be Zelene Nuria of House Targaryen.

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