Chapter Three: Surprises

Start from the beginning

The King had acres of land, almost enough for a small town.

There were small houses along with large ones, there were houses that looked like hotels, which in guessing is where we would be staying.

But what stood out the most was the mansion with the rustic vibe, it was gorgeous, something out of a dream. There were three floors above ground and I didn't doubt there was a basement.

"Oh my goddess." I breathed out and I hear Alec laugh from beside me.

"I had the same reaction as you the first time I saw it too."

Snapping out of my haze of admiring the house I turn to my brother. "Where will my people be staying?"

He pointed to a hotel looking house a few yards away. "You guys will be staying there, if you want to go get situated you can but be at the training area in an hour. I have to go take care of something."

I nodded at him before walking that direction, my pack close behind.
An hour had passed and I was aimlessly wandering around this pack trying to find the training area. I had told my men to go early so they can get more time in. You wouldn't think it would be that hard, just look for fighting wolves. But it was hard, a lot of people were out even though the sun had set.

All over the area had Tiki torches lighting up everywhere.

"Excuse me miss are you lost?" A girl from behind me spoke and I whipped around to see who it was.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Yes I'm looking for the training area, could you show me it?"

She gave me a huge smile. "Of course I can!"

"So you're the girl who lived in the mountains?" She asked as we walked.

"Yep." I said, popping the p.

"That's cool, I bet you're a good fighter. I'm Adalyn by the way."

"Thank you. I'm Rayna." I replied.

We didn't talk much after that, but in a few minutes we had reached the training area.

"Well here you go! I'll see you around then Rayna." She waved at me and walked off, before I had the chance to thank her.

"Rayna! There you are." My brother said as he ran over to me.

"I had Micheal split everyone up, your strongest are lightly sparring with my weakest and vise versa. But I want to spar against you." He grinned.

I looked at him before laughing. "Oh man, that's funny." I stopped laughing when I realized he wasn't joking.

"You're serious?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Alec I will have your ass on the ground in seconds."

Something glimmered in his eye, he wanted this, a challenge.

"Well then let's just see if you live up to your status." He said as we walked to the main place.

There were small mats all around but in the center it was almost like a boxing ring without the ropes around it and it was slighting elevated off the ground.

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