Chapter Twenty Four- I believe you owe me a kiss.

Start from the beginning

"Well I do. Get up."


"Cherry, get up!"

"No," I whimpered.

"I am not going to let you sit here and wallow, okay? I know you're hurting, I can't imagine what you're going through but I refuse to let you give up on yourself, not get up!"

I slowly got to my feet.

He smiled. "That's my girl. Come on." He reached for my hand and I grabbed his tightly as he led me downstairs.

"Where we going?"


"I haven't been bowling for years.

"He grinned. "Won't be saying that tomorrow."

I sniffed, smiling up at him.

"That was quick," Nick muttered, coming out of the living room.

"Told ya I could deal with it," Theo said proudly.

"She's even smiling.

"I'm just that cool."

I giggled. "Don't be so arrogant."

"Good job, man."

"Thanks. You guys all ready?"



I laughed as Lindon's bowling ball rolled to the gutter.

"Like you could do any better," he teased.

"Watch me," I huffed, picking a light ball. It was pink; I cringed.

"Bet you put it in the gutter."

I ignored him and threw the ball. It rolled straigh down the middle and hit the first pin. They fell like dominos until every last one was knocked over.

"Strrrrrike!" The computer yelled, and Theo caught me aroudn the wasit.

"You're on my team," he murmured agaisnt ym ear.

I sighed happily. "Okay."

Jake pulled me from him and ruffled my hair.

"You're good at this," he said, grinning.

"Yeah, she's always been pretty good," Nick told him. "Last time we went was about four years ago. She got all strikes."

"Theo's good too," Jake said.

I looked up at Theo. "How good?"

He smirked. "Very."

I smirked right back at him. "I'm better."

"Wanna bet?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Whatcha wanna bet?"

"Hmmm.... a kiss."

He smiled down at me. "You are definitely on."

He beat me. By one point.

"That was really unlucky," Nick muttered.

"I believe you owe me a kiss, " Theo told me smugly.

I looked at Lindon, Jake and Nick.

"Not in front of people!"

Theo gave them a pointed look and they rolled their eyes, turning around.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his quickly before pullign away.

"Nu-uh," he murmured, reeling m back in. "Not that kind of kiss."

"You didn't clarify what kind of kiss."

"No," he whispered huskily. "But that is definitely not what I meant."

I kissed him again and ran my tongue across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth instantly and I delved in, using my tongue to play with his. He groaned and I held back a laugh as I ran my hands through his hair. He was too cute.

"Better?" I asked, slightly out of breath.

He grinned. "Much better," he said, pressing his forehead agaisnt mine.

"Can we turn around now?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. Where did Nicky go?"

"Umm, he said he needed some air," Lindon said uncertaintly.

I looked up at Theo, feeling guilty, and he frowned back at me.

"I got it," I murmured, grabbing his hoodie from the back of a chair, tugging it on as I made my way outside.

"I feel like an idiot," Nick mumbled when I caught up with him.

I reached out to grab his arm, but he jerked away from me.

"Nicky, I'm sorry, I didn't think!"

"Don't you get it? You don't have to be sorry, you're just happy! You have a boyfriend and you love him, you shouldn't have to say sorry every time you kiss him!"

"But it hurts you when I do."

"That's my problem."

"No, Nicky. It's our problem."

"No, it's me who it hruts, not you."

"Who did it hurt when I was drinking and self-harming?" I demanded.

"Both of us."

"Why did it hurt you?"

"Because it hurt me to see you in pain, okay!?"

"I don't see how the situation should be any different when in reverse," I sniffed.

He sighed. "I guess. But I don't want you to feel guilty for kissing your boyfriend. He loves you a lot; anyone can see that."


"No buts, princess, just let it go."


"I'm a big boy, I can handle rejection," he yelled, storming away from me.

Theo came to stand next to me.

"Just let him calm down."

"I feel awful."

He was quiet for a moment. "Maybe we should... take a break, until things cool down," he mumbled.

I spun aroudn to face him. "You don't wanna be with me anymore?"

"Of course I do. I just... everything's so complicated right now. I don't think you need an extra worry."

"You're not a worry! I don't want to take a break."

"But Cherry..."

"No Theo! Please don't do this."

"I don't know, I just, I think it's for the-"

I cut him off, crashing my lips agaisnt his. He moaned slightly and curled his arms around my waist, deepening our kiss. He pushed me gently agaisnt the wall.

"Shut the Hell up," I murmured.

** Hello my lovely fans/readers... Hope you like this chapter, and see if you can guess what happens in the next chapter!  It's a little bit different. **

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