My life

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My life has been complete shit all my life, ever since I was 4 years old till now. One night my uncle decided to take me to my room privately and sexually abuse me. I didn't know what was right or wrong at the time so I let it happen multiple times. I've suffered depression all my life because of that. Yes it's something that no one should ever go through but I did, I learned that you can't dwell on stuff that holds you down although this is something big but I don't care for it as much anymore. Then when I was 10 years old I went on vacation to Costa Rica for 3 weeks. It was nice and gorgeous and everything but when we were leaving to go to the airport, we stopped by a mini restaurant to eat real quick.... everything seemed fine... wrong... as we went back to our car we had just went through something no one should ever go through. We had been robbed of everything and I mean everything clothes,games,movies everything. Very very very dramatic moment for the whole family but we eventually got through it. After years dealing with stuff, I've finally met someone who helped me and finally became my first girlfriend. She was like my everything but... life isn't always perfect, she cheated on me multiple times and one of those times she cheated on me with my best friend who I basically called my brother. He was with me through thick and thin and well shit happened. But my ex which was my girlfriend at the time was so precious to me I nicknamed her 🙏🏼LIL SAINTS🙏🏼. That name still to this day would become so much more than what I intended it to be. That relationship would last up to 6 1/2 months and yea I cared but shit happens for a reason. Right now my ex and my old friend are now cool not friends but cool. Yea yea yea new year new me lol. Then comes my first ever serious relationship. This person was extra special to me, not because she was my girlfriend but because we shared similar things. I would become her first ever boyfriend and that meant something to her. Shit got crazy and this time I cheated on her... yea I admit it i cheated but I'm not perfect at all. I've learned from my past relationship that I thought cheating was ok. I know right sounds fucked up but that's what I thought was right. This relationship would last 5 1/2 months. 1 month less then my first relationship but my ex which was my girlfriend at the time would become so serious with me. I'm talking about like serious. But shit happens right. Finally then comes ROCK FUCKING BOTTOM. This asshole who i thought had my back no matter what said shit to people in my school made rumors and everything. Finally one night after football practice I began to tear up so much. I went home and cried so much that it was so bad, later I had thoughts of suicide. Yea I know fucked up isn't it?. Well I had thoughts of cutting myself and overdosing on my medication. My mom thankfully was there to stop me, soon after that I was literally rushed to the hospital because I couldn't stop crying. I get there they put me on suicide watch and everything and I'm still crying like there's no tomorrow. Later on that night I found out that I was going to stay over night and be transported in a ambulance to be hospitalized for a week. Now I've never gone through something like this before and yet I was worried on how the people that bullied me or got me to this point wouldn't get into trouble. I would worry about my family,friends or whatever I had left of them and school. I was restricted of everything my phone, strings everything. I couldn't go home I couldn't go anywhere. Finally I got discharged and came home... now I'm telling you that that moment was the greatest moment ever. I've felt so happy that I was finally home with my family that I wanted to tear up but I didn't because I wanted to get better so I tried to not have much bother me. Yea sometimes crying is actually healthy but it wasn't healthy for me at the time. After everything they told me I had to go to a town for 6 weeks for a partial program, then later on transfer to a different school. I'm on my 5th week right now and I would honestly say that I've gotten better through everything that I just went through. People are assholes yes but you have to find that one asshole that will stick up for you no matter what. Matter in fact you don't really need anybody to help you it really depends on the situation and on the person. I said it once and I'm going to say it again, life isn't perfect but we have to make of it whatever we can.

Yours truly,
Michael Vianey St. Nicholas Navarro-Grennor

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